
The “[Lines]” section of TELEPHON.INI specifies the lines that are defined in the system, the driver (provider) with which they are associated, and a user-assigned friendly name for each.

This section has the following format:

The Lines entry indicates how many lines are defined (and how many Linex entries appear in the section) with the <count> parameter. The <lastID> parameter is an "advisory" parameter indicating the most recently assigned permanent line ID. This can be used to optimize the assignment of new unique permanent line IDs. Both <count> and <lastID> are set to 0 when Telephony is installed. The values must be updated consistently by any agent that modifies the [Lines] section.

Each Linex entry defines a line and giving its permanent ID <id> (used to link parameters in other files, such as address translation, to the line), the identity <DriverID> of the provider with which it is associated, and a user-assigned friendly name (e.g., phone number or port number). Line permanent IDs are in the range from 0 to 4,294,967,295 and must be unique throughout the [Lines] section. "x" takes values from 0 to one less than <count>. Linex entries must have their name-sequence numbers renumbered to form a contiguous range whenver needed, although there is no requirement that they appear in sequential order.

Parts of the Telephony service require that the name-sequence numbers of the lines for a given service provider form a contiguous range, although they need not appear sequentially in the TELEPHON.INI file. For example, if one were to select all Linex entries with DriverID of "26" and sort them sequentially by their name-sequence number "x", one would find that the sequence has no "holes":

Line4=1234, 26, "first"=1567, 26, "second"=1103, 26, "third"
is legal but

Line4=1234, 26, "first"=1567, 26, "second"=1103, 26, "third"
is not since the name "Line5" is skipped. Any agent that adds or removes lines in the middle of the overall sequence must renumber other name-sequence numbers accordingly.