
A line device can represent a pool of homogeneous resources (i.e., channels) that are used to establish calls. The Telephony SPI in a client PC typically provides access to one or more line devices.

All line devices support at least the basic telephony services. If the TAPI DLL's client application is interested in using supplementary and/or extended telephony services, then the application must first determine the exact capabilities of the line device. Telephony capabilities vary with configuration (e.g., client versus client/server), hardware, service provider software, and the telephone network. Applications should make no assumptions as to what telephony capabilities are available beyond just basic telephony services. The TAPI DLL determines the line's device capabilities on behalf of an application via TSPI_lineGetDevCaps.


Returns the supplementary and extended capabilities of a given line device as a data structure of type LINEDEVCAPS.

Here are some examples of how a service provider might model various configurations:

Example 1 - A single POTS line in the phone-centric or PC-centric connection models would most straightforwardly be modeled as a single line device with one channel.

Example 2 - A single BRI-ISDN line in the phone-centric or PC-centric models. The service provider has a number of options as to how it may want to model this. Some are described below.


Sent to the application to notify it about changes in the line status. This message indicates which status item has changed.


Select the line and address (see further) for which the app wants to receive status change notification messages. The messages controlled by this operation are LINE_LINEDEVSTATE and LINE_ADDRESSSTATE.