
Most of the Get and Set operations described earlier deal with one component of information only. The operation TSPI_phoneGetStatus allows the TAPI DLL to obtain complete status information about a phone device. As mentioned, whenever a status item changes on the phone device, a PHONE_STATUS message is sent to the TAPI DLL's callback. The message parameters include a handle to the phone device and an indication of the status item that changed. The TAPI DLL can use TSPI_phoneSetStatusMessages to select status changes for which it wants to be notified via the callback.


Is sent to the TAPI DLL's callback when a status item changes on a phone device.


Specifies the status changes for which the TAPI DLL wants to be notified.


Returns the status changes for which the TAPI DLL wants to be notified.


Returns the complete status of an open phone device.