Sent to | PHONEEVENT |
Parameters | HTAPIPHONE htPhone Specifies the TAPI DLL's opaque object handle to the phone device. |
DWORD dwMsg The value PHONE_BUTTON | |
DWORD dwParam1 Specifies the button/lamp ID of the button that was pressed. Note that button IDs 0 through 11 are always the KEYPAD buttons. '0' being button ID 0, '1' being button ID 1, etc., through button ID 9. '*' being button ID 10, and '#' being button ID 11. Additional information about a button ID is available via TSPI_phoneGetDevCaps, and TSPI_phoneGetButtonInfo. | |
DWORD dwParam2 Specifies the button mode of the button, of type PHONEBUTTONMODE. Values are: | |
PHONEBUTTONMODE_CALL The button is assigned to a call appearance. | |
PHONEBUTTONMODE_FEATURE The button is assigned to requesting features from the switch, such as hold, conference, transfer, etc. | |
PHONEBUTTONMODE_KEYPAD The button is one of the twelve keypad buttons, '0' through '9', '*', and '#'. | |
PHONEBUTTONMODE_LOCAL The button is a local function button, such as mute or volume control. | |
PHONEBUTTONMODE_DISPLAY The button is a "soft" button associated with the phone's display. A phone set can have zero or more display buttons. | |
DWORD dwParam3 Specifies whether this is a button down event or a button up event, of type PHONEBUTTONSTATE. Values are: | |
PHONEBUTTONSTATE_UP The button is in the "up" state. | |
PHONEBUTTONSTATE_DOWN The button is in the "down" state (i.e., pressed down). | |
Comments | The set of phone button events that is reported is selected by the function TSPI_phoneSetStatusMessages. The Service Provider must send PHONE_BUTTON messages for at least the set of button press events selected through that procedure. The Service Provider may send more than this set, however, it should try to limit its messages to this set for performance reasons. |
See Also | Data Types: PHONESTATUS, PHONEBUTTONMODE, PHONEBUTTONSTATE, PHONEBUTTONFUNCTION Functions: TSPI_phoneGetDevCaps, TSPI_phoneGetButtonInfo TSPI_phoneSetStatusMessages |