1.5 Document Overview
This document presents information concerning Telephony SPI functions, messages, and data types. Following this introduction:
Chapter 2, Overview, provides an overview of the Telephony SPI. It describes basic concepts, the usage model underlying the Telephony SPI, its relation to other Windows 3.1 SPIs, and an overview of the functions, messages, and data structures provided by the Telephony SPI. They are described in logical functional groupings;
Chapter 3, Functions, provides a detailed listing of all of the functions provided by the Telephony SPI;
Chapter 4, Messages, provides a complete listing of all of the messages associated with the Telephony SPI;
Chapter 5, Data Types, describes the data types and structures used by the Telephony SPI. Only a few of these are newly introduced by the SPI; most have their original definition in the API. Accordingly, this chapter consists of a short section describing the data types unique to the SPI, followed by a longer section that duplicates the description of API data structures from the "Windows Telephony API" document.