Designing and Implementing Objects

Objects can come in all shapes and sizes and applications will implement objects for various purposes with or without assigning the class a CLSID. COM servers implement objects for the sake of serving them to clients. In some cases, such as data change notification, a client itself will implement a classless object to essentially provide callback functions for the server object.

In all cases there is only one requirement for all objects: implement at least the IUnknown interface. An object is not a COM object unless it implements at least one interface which at minimum is IUnknown. Not all objects even need a unique identifier, that is, a CLSID. In fact, only those objects that wish to allow COM to locate and launch their implementations really need a CLSID. All other objects do not.

IUnknown implemented by itself can be useful for objects that simply represent the existence of some resource and control that resource's lifetime without providing any other means of manipulating that resource. By and large, however, most interesting objects will want to provide more services, that is, additional interfaces through which to manipulate the object. This all depends on the purpose of the object and the context in which clients (or whatever other agents) use it. The object may wish to provide some data exchange capabilities by implementing IDataObject, or may wish to indicate the contract through which it can serialize its information by implementing one of the IPersist flavors of interfaces. If the object is a moniker, it will implement an interface called IMoniker that we'll see in Chapter 9. Objects that are used specifically for handling remote procedure calls implement a number of specialized interfaces themselves as we'll see in Chapter 7.

The bottom line is that you decide what functionality the object should have and implement the interface that represents that functionality. In some cases there are no standard interfaces that contain the desired functionality in which case you will want to design a custom interface. You may need to provide for remoting that interface as described in Chapter 7.

The following chapters that discuss COM clients and servers use as an example an object class designed to render ASCII text information from text stored in files. This object class is called "TextRender" and it has a CLSID of {12345678-ABCD-1234-5678-9ABCDEF00000}17. defined as the symbol CLSID_TextRender in some include file. Note again that an object class does not have to have an associated CLSID. This example has one so we can use it to demonstrate COM clients and servers in Chapters 5 and 6.

The TextRender object can read and write text to and from a file, and so implements the IPersistFile interface to support those operations. An object can be initialized (see Chapter 5, "Initializing the Object") with the contents of a file through IPersistFile::Load. The object class also supports rendering the text data into straight text as well as graphically as metafiles and bitmaps. Rendering capabilities are handled through the IDataObject interface, and IDataObject::SetData when given text forms a second initializing function.18. The operation of TextRender objects is illustrated in Figure 3-4:

Figure 3-4: An object with IDataObject and IPersistFile Interfaces.

The "Object Reusability" section of Chapter 6 will show how we might implement this object when another object that provides some the desired functionality is available for reuse. But for now, we want to see how to implement this object on its own.