Reference Counting

Objects accessed through interfaces use a reference counting mechanism to ensure that the lifetime of the object includes the lifetime of references to it. This mechanism is adopted so that independent components can obtain and release access to a single object, and not have to coordinate with each other over the lifetime management. In a sense, the object provides this management, so long as the client components conform to the rules. Within a single component that is completely under the control of a single development organization, clearly that organization can adopt whatever strategy it chooses. The following rules are about how to manage and communicate interface instances between components, and are a reasonable starting point for a policy within a component.

Note that the reference counting paradigm applies only to pointers to interfaces; pointers to data are not referenced counted.

It is important to be very clear on exactly when it is necessary to call AddRef and Release through an interface pointer. By its nature, pointer management is a cooperative effort between separate pieces of code, which must all therefore cooperate in order that the overall management of the pointer be correct. The following discussion should hopefully clarify the rules as to when AddRef and Release need to be called in order that this may happen. Some special reference counting rules apply to objects which are aggregated; see the discussion of aggregation in Chapter 6.

The conceptual model is the following: interface pointers are thought of as living in pointer variables, which for the present discussion will include variables in memory locations and in internal processor registers, and will include both programmer- and compiler-generated variables. In short, it includes all internal computation state that holds an interface pointer. Assignment to or initialization of a pointer variable involves creating a new copy of an already existing pointer: where there was one copy of the pointer in some variable (the value used in the assignment/initialization), there is now two. An assignment to a pointer variable destroys the pointer copy presently in the variable, as does the destruction of the variable itself (that is, the scope in which the variable is found, such as the stack frame, is destroyed).

This is the default case. In short, unless special knowledge permits otherwise, the worst case must be assumed. The exceptions to Rule 1 all involve knowledge of the relationships of the lifetimes of two or more copies of an interface pointer. In general, they fall into two categories.9.

Category 1. Nested lifetimes

Category 2. Staggered overlapping lifetimes

In Category 1 situations, the AddRef A2 and the Release R2 can be omitted, while in Category 2, A2 and R1 can be eliminated.

The following rules call out specific common cases of Rule 2. The first two of these rules are particularly important, as they are especially common.

The following rules call out common non-exceptions to Rule 1.

Finally, when implementing or using reference counted objects, a technique sometimes termed "artificial reference counts" sometimes proves useful. Suppose you're writing the code in method Foo in some interface IInterface. If in the implementation of Foo you invoke functions which have even the remotest chance of decrementing your reference count, then such function may cause you to release before it returns to Foo. The subsequent code in Foo will crash.

A robust way to protect yourself from this is to insert an AddRef at the beginning of Foo which is paired with a Release just before Foo returns:

void IInterface::Foo(void) {
    * Body of Foo, as before, except short-circuit returns
    * need to be changed.

These "artificial" reference counts guarantee object stability while processing is done.