The use of FACILITY_ITF deserves some special discussion with respect to interfaces defined in COM and interfaces that will be defined in the future. Where as status codes with other facilities (FACILITY_NULL, FACILITY_RPC, and so forth.) have universal meaning, status codes in FACILITY_ITF have their meaning completely determined by the interface member function (or API function) from which they are returned; the same 32-bit value in FACILITY_ITF returned from two different interface functions may have completely different meanings.
The reasoning behind this distinction is as follows. For reasons of efficiency, it is unreasonable to have the primary error code data type (HRESULT) be larger than 32 bits in size. 32 bits is not large enough, unfortunately, to enable COM to develop an allocation policy for error codes that will universally avoid conflict between codes allocated by different non-communicating programmers at different times in different places (contrast, for instance, with what is done with IIDs and CLSIDs). Therefore, COM structures the use of the 32 bit SCODE in such a way so as to allow the a central coordinating body14. to define some universally-defined error codes while at the same time allowing other programmers to define new error codes without fear of conflict by limiting the places in which those field-defined error codes can be used. Thus:
- Status codes in facilities other than FACILITY_ITF can only be defined by the central coordinating body.
- Status codes in facility FACILITY_ITF are defined solely by the definer of the interface or API by which said status code is returned. That is, in order to avoid conflicting error codes, a human being needs to coordinate the assignment of codes in this facility, and we state that he who defines the interface gets to do the coordination.
COM itself defines a number of interfaces and APIs, and so COM defines many status codes in FACILITY_ITF. By design, none of the COM-defined status codes in fact have the same value, even if returned by different interfaces, though it would have been legal for COM to do otherwise.
Likewise, it is possible (though not required) for designers of COM interface suites to coordinate the error codes across the interfaces in that suite so as to avoid duplication. The designers of the OLE 2 interface suite, for example, ensured such lack of duplication.
Thus, with regard to which errors can be returned by which interface functions, it is the case that, in the extreme,
- It is legal that any COM-defined error code may in fact be returned by any COM-defined interface member function or API function. This includes errors presently defined in FACILITY_ITF. Further, COM may in the future define new failure codes (but not success codes) that may also be so ubiquitously returned.
- Designers of interface suites may if they wish choose to provide similar rules across the interfaces in their suites.
- Further, any error in FACILITY_RPC or other facility, even those errors not presently defined, may be returned.
Clients must treat error codes that are unknown to them as synonymous with E_UNEXPECTED, which in general should be and is presently a legal error return value from each and every interface member function in all interfaces; interface designers and implementors are responsible to insure that any newly defined error codes they should choose to invent or return will be such that that existing clients with code treating generic cases as synonymous with E_UNEXPECTED this will have reasonable behavior.
In short, if you know the function you invoked, you know as a client how to unambiguously take action on any error code you receive. The interface implementor is responsible for maintaining your ability to do same.
Normally, of course, only a small subset of the COM-defined status codes will be usefully returned by a given interface function or API, but the immediately preceding statements are in fact the actual interoperability rules for the COM-defined interfaces. This specification endeavors to point out which error codes are particularly useful for each function, but code must be written to correctly handle the general rule.
The present document is, however, precise as to which success codes may legally be returned.
Conversely, it is only legal to return a status code from the implementation of an interface member function which has been sanctioned by the designer of that interface as being legally returnable; otherwise, there is the possibility of conflict between these returned code values and the codes in-fact sanctioned by the interface designer. Pay particular attention to this when propagating errors from internally called functions. Nevertheless, as noted above, callers of interfaces must to guard themselves from imprecise interface implementations by treating any otherwise unknown returned error code (in contrast with success code) as synonymous with E_UNEXPECTED: experience shows that programmers are notoriously lax in dealing with error handling. Further, given the third bullet point above, this coding practice is required by clients of the COM-defined interfaces and APIs. Pragmatically speaking, however, this is little burden to programmers: normal practice is to handle a few special error codes specially, but treat the rest generically.
All the COM-defined FACILITY_ITF codes will, in fact, have a code value which lies in the region 0x0000 — 0x01FF. Thus, while it is indeed legal for the definer of a new function or interface to make use of any codes in FACILITY_ITF that he chooses in any way he sees fit, it is highly recommended that only code values in the range 0x0200 — 0xFFFF be used, as this will reduce the possibility of accidental confusion with any COM-defined errors. It is also highly recommended that designers of new functions and interfaces consider defining as legal that most if not all of their functions can return the appropriate status codes defined by COM in facilities other than FACILITY_ITF. E_UNEXPECTED is a specific error code that most if not all interface definers will wish to make universally legal.