IServerSecurity Interface

IServerSecurity may be used to impersonate the client during a call, even on other threads within the server. IServerSeciruty:QueryBlanket and IServerSecurity::ImpersonateClient may only be called before the call completes. IServerSecurity::RevertToSelf may be called at any time. The interface pointer must be released when it is no longer needed. Unless the server wishes to impersonate the client on another thread, there is not reason to keep an IServerSecurity past the end of the call, since it will at that point no longer support IServerSecurity::QueryBlanket.

interface IServerSecurity : IUnknown {
      HRESULT      QueryBlanket(RPC_AUTHZ_HANDLE* Privs, WCHAR** ServerPrincName, DWORD* AuthnLevel, DWORD* AuthnSvc, DWORD* AuthzSvc );
      HRESULT      ImpersonateClient(void);
      HRESULT      RevertToSelf(void);