
1. Shorthand for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, the section of the registry containing computer-wide software configuration information. Typically holds configuration information used by server applications that are not running as a particular user but rather on behalf of the system. [Back]

2. Shorthand for HKEY_COMMON_CLASSES, the section of the registry containing computer-wide class information (mappings between CLSIDs and .DLL/.EXE names). [Back]

3. Under Win32, when a key is secured the act of retrieving its value performs an access check against the security descriptor that guards it. Therefore, the SCM's retrieval of the value of a secure key causes an implicit access check. [Back]

4. Shorthand for HKEY_CURRENT_USER, the section of the registry containing per-user software configuration information. Typically holds configuration information used by applications that are running on behalf of a particular user. [Back]

5. Shorthand for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, the section of the registry containing per-user class information (mappings between CLSIDs and .DLL/.EXE names). [Back]