hhea - Horizontal Header

This table contains information for horizontal layout. The values in the minRightSidebearing, minLeftSideBearing and xMaxExtent should be computed using only glyphs that have contours. Glyphs with no contours should be ignored for the purposes of these calculations. All reserved areas must be set to 0.

FixedTable version number0x00010000 for version 1.0.
FWordAscenderTypographic ascent.
FWordDescenderTypographic descent.
FWordLineGapTypographic line gap. Negative LineGap values are treated as zero
in Windows 3.1, System 6, and
System 7.
uFWordadvanceWidthMaxMaximum advance width value in 'hmtx' table.
FWordminLeftSideBearingMinimum left sidebearing value in 'hmtx' table.
FWordminRightSideBearingMinimum right sidebearing value; calculated as Min(aw - lsb - (xMax - xMin)).
FWordxMaxExtentMax(lsb + (xMax - xMin)).
SHORTcaretSlopeRiseUsed to calculate the slope of the cursor (rise/run); 1 for vertical.
SHORTcaretSlopeRun0 for vertical.
SHORT(reserved)set to 0
SHORT(reserved)set to 0
SHORT(reserved)set to 0
SHORT(reserved)set to 0
SHORT(reserved)set to 0
SHORTmetricDataFormat0 for current format.
USHORTnumberOfHMetricsNumber of hMetric entries in 'hmtx' table; must be equal to the CharStrings INDEX count in the 'CFF ' table.