
Utilities are products such as shell extensions, disk optimizers, antivirus software, certain query engines, and accessibility aids for people with disabilities. They must meet all the general requirements contained in this document with the following additions and exceptions.

In order for a utility to receive the Logo, it must include in the same package (box) meaningful functionality for both Windows 95 and Windows NT environments.

Some products such as disk utilities implement operating-system-specific functionality that cannot be implemented on the other platform. For example, a set of utilities might include a disk defragmenter which operates on Windows NT but, not on Windows 95. Such products must still include meaningful functionality for the other operating system.

Certain components of utilities may be 16-bit, such as those that must use the Exclusive Volume Locking API, soft interrupts, or components that must talk directly to 16-bit drivers. The user interface and other components of these applications must be 32-bit and use the Windows 95 thinking mechanism to access these 16-bit components.

Products that use the Exclusive Volume Locking API to access the 8.3 aliases directly and manipulate them, such as disk optimizers, file utilities, and antivirus software, must be tested extensively to ensure that these products function properly and do not damage the file allocation table (FAT) or the LFN structure. To verify, refer to the "Pre-testing & Verification of Compliance" section.

FAT32 Support
An application written for a Windows Operating System must exhibit its full functionality regardless of the filesystem of the partition it is installed upon.

For most applications, this will not be a problem (most applications are filesystem independent.) However, there is a class of applications and device drivers that rely on a partition type on the media that they run from; namely disk utilities and anti-virus utilities. For example, a disk defragmenter written for a FAT16 partition will not work for a FAT32 partition. The disk defragmenter should include support to defrag both FAT16 and FAT32 partitions.

Applications should not assume a 2GB hard drive size limit. On drives larger than 2GB, FAT32 is the only file system on Windows that will allow the user to format the disk as a single partition. Note that on Windows 95, the existing Win32 function GetDiskFreeSpace may obtain incorrect values for volumes that are larger than 2 GB. GetDiskFreeSpaceEx obtains correct values on all platforms for all volumes, including those that are larger than 2GB. New applications should use the GetDiskFreeSpaceEx function instead of the GetDiskFreeSpace function.

For more information on FAT32 refer to the Win32 SDK.