Important Notes on International and Localized Versions

Because of the differences in core components of Windows NT and Windows 95 when localized to a language other than English, the Logo can only be used for localized versions of a product which are in the same language group (see below) as the one which was tested.

Double Byte Language Group - Far East: Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), Simplified Chinese (PRC).

Single Byte Language Group - Western European: English, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese/Brazilian, Portuguese/Iberian, Catalan, Italian.

Single Byte Language Group - Eastern European: Finnish, Russian, Czech, Slovenian, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Turkish, and Slovak.

Single Byte Language Group - Other: Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, and Vietnamese.

An application must be submitted in the primary language version in which it is to be marketed (where the most units are expected to be sold). VeriTest will test the application using the matching localized versions of Windows NT and Windows 95. If the application passes testing, the Logo will be licensed for use with that language version of the application only and other languages within the same language group only. For example, if an application is submitted in English and passes in English, the Logo may be used on the packaging and advertising for the English version and also any Western European language listed above. The Logo may not be used on the Japanese version for example, (unless the application is also submitted and passes in Japanese or another Double Byte language.)

If the Logo is desired for a version of the application which is in another language group, then a version of the application localized to a language in the intended group must be submitted and a retest fee will be applied to this testing. If the application passes testing in this new version, the Logo is licensed for use with that language version as well as other languages within the same language group.

You do not need to notify Microsoft if distributing the product internationally, unless distribution includes the PRC, Taiwan, or Korea. If you are distributing to these countries/regions, please send the Windows Logo Department ( a note with your company name, title(s) being distributed, and countries/regions where they are being distributed. Please note the following language from the License Agreement:

The license right set forth in Section 2(a) shall not extend to the Taiwan Region (”Taiwan”), South Korea (”Korea”), or the People’s Republic of China (”PRC”), unless and until COMPANY provides MS with written notice of COMPANY’s intent to distribute Product in these countries/regions. COMPANY agrees not to use the Logo in such countries/regions and shall not be licensed pursuant to this Logo Agreement to do so until COMPANY has provided MS with such written notice.