This table contains supplementary data enabling MM fonts to be used on a host. The MMSD table consists of a header that contains a version number of the table (version), initially set to 1.0 (0x00010000), and offsets to the axis, instance, and style tables (axis, instance, and style). An empty (missing) table is indicated by setting the corresponding offset to NULL.

MMSD Header

fixed32versionVersion of MMSD table
-Initially 0x00010000
OffsetaxisOffset to Axis table
-From beginning of MMSD table, may be NULL
OffsetinstanceOffset to Instance table
-From beginning of MMSD table, may be NULL
OffsetstyleOffset to Style table
-From beginning of MMSD table
May be NULL

Axis Table

The axis table contains supplementary axis information. It consists of an axis count (nAxes), the size of an axis (axisSize), and an array of AxisRecords.
TypeName Description
uint16nAxesNumber of axes
uint16axisSizeAxis record size(bytes)
structAxisRecord[nAxes]Array of AxisRecords


An AxisRecord specifies a long and short label offsets(longLabel and shortLabel) to Pascal strings that are used for UI display and PostScript font naming, respectively, e.g. "Weight" and " wt". (The first byte of a Pascal string specifies the number of string bytes that follow.)
OffsetlongLabelOffset to long label Pascal string
-From beginning of MMSD table
OffsetshortLabelOffset to short label Pascal string
-From beginning of MMSD table

Instance Table

The instance table contains supplementary instance information. It consists of an instance count (nInstances), the size an instance (instanceSize), and an array of InstanceRecords. The first instance record (index 0) specifies the default instance.
uint16nInstancesNumber of instances
uint16instanceSizeInstance record size(bytes)
structInstanceRecordArray of InstanceRecords[nInstances]


An InstanceRecord specifies a primary instance name suffix offset (nameSuffix) to a Pascal string that is appended to the 533-converted FontName and an underscore character in order to form the instance FontName. For example, FontName "CaflischScriptMM" becomes "CafliScrMM" after applying the 533 rule, and becomes "CafliScrMM_280 LT" after appending an underscore and the instance name suffix of "280 LT".
Type Name Description
Offset nameSuffixOffset to instance name suffix Pascal string
-From beginning of MMSD table

Style Table

The style table contains supplementary style information. It consists of a style count (nStyles), the size of a style (styleSize), and an array of StyleRecords.
Type Name Description
uint16nStylesNumber of styles
uint16styleSizeStyle record size(bytes)
structStyleRecordArray of StyleRecords[nStyles]


A StyleRecord specifies style modifications that may be applied to an axis. It consists of an axis index (axis), style modification flags (flags), and an array of two ActionRecords. The flag specifies one of four style bits: bold, italic, condensed, and extended; all other bits are reserved.
Type Name Description
uint8axisAxis index for this style
uint8flagStyle flag, b0-bold, b1-italic, --b5-condensed, b6-extended,--b2-4,7-15 reserved.
structActionRecord[2]Array of two ActionRecords


An ActionRecord specifies the style modification at a point on the axis. It consists of an axis coordinate point (point) and the change applied to the axis coordinate (delta) at that point. Two ActionRecords may be used to specify different behaviors at two points. Intermediate points then interpolate between these. (If two points and therefore two actions aren't required the second ActionRecord may be marked as inactive with a delta field of zero.)
Type Name Description
fixed32pointStyle change point(design units)
fixed32deltaStyle change delta(design units)

The use of offset and record size fields in MMSD table allows for a very flexible upgrade path without breaking existing implementations. However, for this scheme to be successful implementations must use these fields when calculating offsets for subtable and array element access.

The Pascal string data for the short and long labels and the instance name suffix follows the last defined table.

Example of MMSD table for CaflishScriptMM, a single axis multiple master font with 4 primary instances and one style.
version =1.0 (00010000)
axisOffset =000a
styleOffset =001e
--- axis table
nAxes =1
--- axis[index]={longLabel,shortLabel}
--- instance table
nInstances =4
--- instance[index]=nameSuffix
[0]=003f [1]=0046 [2]=004d [3]=0054
--- style table
nStyles =1
--- style[index]={axis,flag,{point,delta},{point,delta}}
--- strings[offset]={length,string}
[0034]={6,<Weight>} [003b]={3,< wt>}
[003f]={6,<280 LT>} [0046]={6,<406 RG>}
[004d]={6,<556 SB>} [0054]={6,<640 BD>}

The weight varies along the axis from design coordinate 280 (light) to design coordinate 640 (bold). The style table specifies bold style modifications using a 2-point interpolation scheme:

coord 280 556
delta 276 84

Bold styles applied to points between the second point and the end of the axis (640) add the delta (84) to that point and then clamp the result to the end of the axis ensuring the result is within the range of valid axis coordinates.