Bidirectional Language Support

RTF supports bidirectional writing orders for languages such as Arabic. The controls are described below (as well as in the appropriate sections throughout this Application Note). Also refer to the associated character properties defined in “Associated Character Properties” on page 37 of this Application Note.

All the control words relating to bidirectional language support are repeated here for convenience.

Control word Meaning
\rtlch The character data following this control word will be treated as a right-to-left run.
\ltrch The character data following this control word will be treated as a left-to-right run (the default).
\rtlmark The following characters should be displayed from right to left.
\ltrmark The following characters should be displayed from left to right.
\rtlpar Text in this paragraph will be displayed with right-to-left precedence
\ltrpar Text in this paragraph will be displayed with left-to-right precedence (the default).
\rtlrow Cells in this table row will have right-to-left precedence.
\ltrrow Cells in this table row will have left-to-right precedence (the default).
\rtlsect This section will thread columns from right to left.
\ltrsect This section will thread columns from left to right (the default).
\rtldoc Text in this document will be displayed from right to left unless overridden by a more specific control.
\ltrdoc Text in this document will be displayed from left to right unless overridden by a more specific control (the default).
\zwj Zero-width joiner. This is used for ligating characters.
\zwnj Zero-width nonjoiner. This is used for unligating characters.