Drawing Objects

Word 6.0/95 RTF

Drawing objects and the drawing primitives enumerated within drawing object groups use the syntax described by the following tables.

<do> '{\*' \do <dohead> <dpinfo>'}'
<dohead> <dobx> <doby> <dodhgt> <dolock>?
<dobx> \dobxpage | \dobxcolumn | \dobxmargin
<doby> \dobypage | \dobypara | \dobymargin
<dodhgt> \dodhgt
<dolock> \dolock
<dpinfo> <dpgroup> | <dpcallout> | <dpsimple>
<dpgroup> \dpgroup \dpcount <dphead> <dpinfo>+ \dpendgroup <dphead>
<dpcallout> \dpcallout <cotype> <coangle>? <coaccent>? <cosmartattach>? <cobestfit>? <cominusx>? <cominusy>? <coborder>? <codescent>? \dpcooffset \dpcolength <dphead> <dppolyline> <dphead> <dpprops> <dptextbox> <dphead> <dpprops>
<dpsimple> <dpsimpledpk> <dphead> <dpprops>
<dpsimpledpk> <dpline> | <dprect> | <dptextbox> | <dpellipse> | <dppolyline> | <dparc>
<dpline> \dpline <dppt> <dppt>
<dprect> \dprect (\dproundr)?
<dptextbox> \dptxbx \dptxbxmar '{' \dptxbxtext <para>+'}'
<dpellipse> \dpellipse
<dparc> \dparc \dparcflipx? \dparcflipy?
<dppolyline> \dppolyline (\dppolygon)? \dppolycount <dppt>+
<dppt> \dpptx \dppty
<dphead> \dpx \dpy \dpxsize \dpysize

Note that in <dpgroup> the number of <dpinfo>s is equal to the argument of \dpcount, whereas in <dppolyline> the number of <dppt>s is equal to the argument of \dppolycount.

The following elements of the drawing-object syntax pertain specifically to callout objects:

<cotype> \dpcotright | \dpcotsingle | \dpcotdouble | \dpcottriple
<coangle> \dpcoa
<coaccent> \dpcoaccent
<cosmartattach> \dpcosmarta
<cobestfit> \dpcobestfit
<cominusx> \dpcominusx
<cominusy> \dpcominusy
<coborder> \dpcoborder
<codescent> \dpcodtop | \dpcodcenter | \dpcodbottom | \dpcodabs

The remaining elements of the drawing object syntax are properties applied to individual drawn primitives:

<dpprops> <lineprops>? <fillprops>? <endstylestart>? <endstyleend>? <shadow>?
<lineprops> <linestyle> <linecolor> \dplinew
<linestyle> \dplinesolid | \dplinehollow | \dplinedash | \dplinedot | \dplinedado | \dplinedadodo
<linecolor> <linegray> | <linergb>
<linegray> \dplinegray
<linergb> \dplinecor \dplinecog \dplinecob<linepal>?
<linepal> \dplinepal
<fillprops> <fillcolorfg> <fillcolorbg> \dpfillpat
<fillcolorfg> <fillfggray> | <fillfgrgb>
<fillfggray> \dpfillfggray
<fillfgrgb> \dpfillfgcr \dpfillfgcg \dpfillfgcb<fillfgpal>?
<fillfgpal> \dpfillfgpal
<fillcolorbg> <fillbggray> | <fillbgrgb>
<fillbggray> \dpfillbggray
<fillbgrgb> \dpfillbgcr \dpfillbgcg \dpfillbgcb<fillbgpal>?
<fillbgpal> \dpfillbgpal
<endstylestart> <arrowstartfill> \dpastartl \dpastartw
<arrowstartfill> \dpastartsol | \dpastarthol
<endstyleend> <arrowendfill> \dpaendl \dpaendw
<arrowendfill> \dpaendsol | \dpaendhol
<shadow> \dpshadow \dpshadx \dpshady

The following table describes the control words for the drawing object group in detail. All color values are RGB values between 0-255. All distances are in twips. All other values are as indicated.

Control word Definition
\do Indicates a drawing object is to be inserted at this point in the character stream. This is a destination control word.
\dolock The drawing object's anchor is locked and cannot be moved.
\dobxpage The drawing object is page relative in the x-direction.
\dobxcolumn The drawing object is column relative in the x-direction.
\dobxmargin The drawing object is margin relative in the x-direction.
\dobypage The drawing object is page relative in the y-direction.
\dobypara The drawing object is paragraph relative in the y-direction.
\dobymargin The drawing object is margin relative in the y-direction.
\dodhgtN The drawing object is positioned at the following numeric address in the z-ordering.
Drawing Primitives
\dpgroup Begin group of drawing primitives.
\dpcountN Number of drawing primitives in the current group.
\dpendgroup End group of drawing primitives.
\dparc Arc drawing primitive.
\dpcallout Callout drawing primitive, which consists of both a polyline and a text box.
\dpellipse Ellipse drawing primitive.
\dpline Line drawing primitive.
\dppolygon Polygon drawing primitive (closed polyline).
\dppolyline Polyline drawing primitive.
\dprect Rectangle drawing primitive.
\dptxbx Text box drawing primitive.
Position and Size
\dpxN X-offset of the drawing primitive from its anchor.
\dpxsizeN X-size of the drawing primitive.
\dpyN Y-offset of the drawing primitive from its anchor.
\dpysizeN Y-size of the drawing primitive.
\dpcoaN Angle of callout's diagonal line is restricted to one of the following: 0, 30, 45, 60, or 90. If this control word is absent, the callout has an arbitrary angle, indicated by the coordinates of its primitives.
\dpcoaccent Accent bar on callout (vertical bar between polyline and text box).
\dpcobestfit Best fit callout (x-length of each line in callout is similar).
\dpcoborder Visible border on callout text box.
\dpcodabs Absolute distance-attached polyline.
\dpcodbottom Bottom-attached polyline.
\dpcodcenter Center-attached polyline.
\dpcodtop Top-attached callout.
\dpcodescentN The descent of the callout
\dpcolengthN Length of callout.
\dpcominusx Text box falls in quadrants II or III relative to polyline origin.
\dpcominusy Text box falls in quadrants III or IV relative to polyline origin.
\dpcooffsetN Offset of callout. This is the distance between the end of the polyline and the edge of the text box.
\dpcosmarta Auto-attached callout. Polyline will attach to either the top or bottom of the text box depending on the relative quadrant.
\dpcotdouble Double line callout.
\dpcotright Right angle callout.
\dpcotsingle Single line callout.
\dpcottriple Triple line callout.
Text Boxes and Rectangles
\dptxbxmarN Internal margin of the text box.
\dptxbxtext Group that contains the text of the text box.
\dproundr Rectangle is a round rectangle.
Lines and Polylines
\dpptxN X-coordinate of the current vertex (only for lines and polylines). The coordinate order for a point must be x, y.
\dpptyN Y-coordinate of the current vertex (only for lines and polylines). The coordinate order for a point must be x, y.
\dppolycountN Number of vertices in polyline drawing primitive.
\dparcflipx This indicates that the end point of the arc is to the right of the start point. Arcs are
drawn counter-clockwise.
\dparcflipy This indicates that the end point of the arc is below the start point. Arcs are drawn counter-clockwise.
Line Style
\dplinecobN Blue value for line color.
\dplinecogN Green value for line color.
\dplinecorN Red value for line color.
\dplinepal Render line color using the PALETTERGB macro instead of the RGB macro in Windows.
\dplinedado Dashed-dotted line style.
\dplinedadodo Dashed-dotted-dotted line style.
\dplinedash Dashed line style.
\dplinedot Dotted line style.
\dplinegrayN Grayscale value for line color (in half-percentages).
\dplinehollow Hollow line style (no line color).
\dplinesolid Solid line style.
\dplinewN Thickness of line (in twips).
Arrow Style
\dpaendhol Hollow end arrow (lines only).
\dpaendlN Length of end arrow, relative to pen width:




\dpaendsol Solid end arrow (lines only).
\dpaendwN Width of end arrow, relative to pen width:




\dpastarthol Hollow start arrow (lines only).
\dpastartlN Length of start arrow, relative to pen width:




\dpastartsol Solid start arrow (lines only).
\dpastartwN Width of start arrow, relative to pen width:




Fill Pattern
\dpfillbgcbN Blue value for background fill color.
\dpfillbgcgN Green value for background fill color.
\dpfillbgcrN Red value for background fill color.
\dpfillbgpal Render fill background color using the PALETTERGB macro instead of the RGB macro in Windows.
\dpfillbggrayN Grayscale value for background fill (in half-percentages).
\dpfillfgcbN Blue value for foreground fill color.
\dpfillfgcgN Green value for foreground fill color.
\dpfillfgcrN Red value for foreground fill color.
\dpfillfgpal Render fill foreground color using the PALETTERGB macro instead of the RGB macro in Windows.
\dpfillfggrayN Grayscale value for foreground fill (in half-percentages).
\dpfillpatN Index into a list of fill patterns. See below for list.
\dpshadow Current drawing primitive has a shadow.
\dpshadxN X-offset of the shadow.
\dpshadyN Y-offset of the shadow.

The following values are available for specifying fill patterns in drawing objects with the \dpfillpat control word.

Value Fill pattern
0 Clear (no pattern)
1 Solid (100%)
2 5%
3 10%
4 20%
5 25%
6 30%
7 40%
8 50%
9 60%
10 70%
11 75%
12 80%
13 90%
14 Dark horizontal lines
15 Dark vertical lines
16 Dark left-diagonal lines (\\\)
17 Dark right-diagonal lines (///)
18 Dark grid lines
19 Dark trellis lines
20 Light horizontal lines
21 Light vertical lines
22 Light left-diagonal lines (\\\)
23 Light right-diagonal lines (///)
24 Light grid lines
25 Light trellis lines