Form Fields

Control word Meaning
\formfield Group destination keyword indicating start of form field data.
\fftypeN Form field type:


1Check box


\ffownhelpN 1 if there is associated Help text (defined under \ffhelptext), 0 otherwise.
\ffownstatN 1 if there is associated status line text (defined under \ffstattext), 0 otherwise.
\ffprotN 1 if this field is protected, 0 otherwise.
\ffsizeN Type of size selected for check box field:



\fftypetxtN Type of text field:

0Regular text



3 Current date

4Current time


\ffrecalcN 1 if the field should be calculated on exit, 0 otherwise.
\ffhaslistboxN 1 if this field has list box attached to it, 0 otherwise.
\ffmaxlen Number of characters for text field.
\ffhpsN Check box size (half-point sizes).
\ffname Form field name (string). This is a destination control word.
\ffdeftext Default text for text field (string). This is a destination control word.
\ffdefres Default entry for list field (for example 0 = first list item, 1 = second list item).
\ffformat Format for text field (string). This is a destination control word.
\ffhelptext Help text (string). This is a destination control word.
\ffstattext Status line text (string). This is a destination control word.
\ffentrymcr Macro to be executed upon entry into this form field (string). This is a destination control word.
\ffexitmcr Macro to be executed upon exit from this form field (string). This is a destination control word.
\ffl List of text for list field. This is a destination control word.
\ffresN Result field for a form field. Values from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of \ffl entries.