Information Group

The \info control word introduces the information group, which contains information about the document. This can include the title, author, keywords, comments, and other information specific to the file. This information is for use by a document-management utility, if available.

This group has the following syntax.

<info> '{' <title>? & <subject>? & <author>? & <manager>? & <company>? <operator>? & <category>? & <keywords>? & <comment>? & \version? & <doccomm>? & \vern? & <creatim>? & <revtim>? & <printim>? & <buptim>? & \edmins? & \nofpages? & \nofwords? \nofchars? & \id? '}'
<title> '{' \title #PCDATA '}'
<subject> '{' \subject #PCDATA '}'
<author> '{' \author #PCDATA '}'
<manager> {' \manager #PCDATA '}'
<company> {' \company #PCDATA '}'
<operator> '{' \operator #PCDATA '}'
<category> {' \category #PCDATA '}'
<keywords> '{' \keywords #PCDATA '}'
<comment> '{' \comment #PCDATA '}'
<doccomm> '{' \doccomm #PCDATA '}'
<hlinkbase> '{' \hlinkbase #PCDATA '}'
<creatim> '{' \creatim <time> '}'
<revtim> '{' \revtim <time> '}'
<printim> '{' \printim <time> '}'
<buptim> '{' \buptim <time> '}'
<time> \yr? \mo? \dy? \hr? \min? \sec?

Some applications, such as Word, ask the user to type this information when saving the document in its native format. If the document is then saved as an RTF file or translated into RTF, the RTF writer specifies this information using the following control words. These control words are destinations and both the control words and the text should be enclosed in braces ({ }).

Control word Meaning
\title Title of the document. This is a destination control word.
\subject Subject of the document. This is a destination control word.
\author Author of the document. This is a destination control word.
\manager Manager of the author. This is a destination control word.
\company Company of the author. This is a destination control word
\operator Person who last made changes to the document. This is a destination control word.
\category Category of the document. This is a destination control word.
\keywords Selected keywords for the document. This is a destination control word.
\comment Comments; text is ignored. This is a destination control word.
\versionN Version number of the document.
\doccomm Comments displayed in the Summary Info or Properties dialog box in Word. This is a destination control word.
\hlinkbase The base address that is used for the path of all relative hyperlinks inserted in the document. This can be a path or an Internet address (URL).

The \userprops control word introduces the user-defined document properties. Unique \propname control words define each user-defined property in the document. The group has the following syntax.

\userprops ‘{\*’ \userprops (‘{’ <propinfo> ‘}’*) ‘}’
<propinfo> <propname><proptype><staticval><linkval>?
<propname> ‘{’ \propname #PCDATA ‘}’
<proptype> \proptype
<staticval> \staticval
<linkval> \linkval

Control Word Meaning
\propname The name of the user-defined property.
\staticval The value of the property.
\linkval The name of a bookmark that contains the text to display as the value of the property.
\proptype \proptypeN Specifies the type of the property.

For \proptype, the N argument can have the following values.

Value Description
3 Integer
5 Real number
7 Date
11 Boolean
30 Text

The RTF writer may automatically enter other control words, including the following.

Control word Meaning
\vernN Internal version number
\creatim Creation time
\revtim Revision time
\printim Last print time
\buptim Backup time
\edminsN Total editing time (in minutes)
\yrN Year
\moN Month
\dyN Day
\hrN Hour
\minN Minute
\secN Seconds
\nofpagesN Number of pages
\nofwordsN Number of words
\nofcharsN Number of characters including spaces
\nofcharsws Number of characters not including spaces
\idN Internal ID number

Any control word described in the previous table that does not have a numeric parameter specifies a date; all dates are specified with the \yr \mo \dy \hr \min \sec controls. An example of an information group follows:

{\info{\title The Panda's Thumb}{\author Stephen J Gould}{\keywords 
science natural history }}