Section Text

Each section in the RTF file has the following syntax:

<section><secfmt>* <hdrftr>? <para> + (\sect <section>)?

Section Formatting Properties

At the beginning of each section, there may be some section-formatting control words (described as <secfmt> in the section text syntax description). These control words specify section-formatting properties, which apply to the text following the control word, with the exception of the section-break control words (those beginning with \sbk). Section-break control words describe the break preceding the text. These control words can appear anywhere in the section, not just at the start.

Note that if the \sectd control word is not present, the current section inherits all section properties defined in the previous section.

The section-formatting control words are listed in the following table.

Control word Meaning
\sect New section.
\sectd Reset to default section properties.
\endnhere Endnotes included in the section.
\binfsxnN N is the printer bin used for the first page of the section. If this control is not defined, then the first page uses the same printer bin as defined by the \binsxnN control.
\binsxnN N is the printer bin used for the pages of the section.
\dsN Designates section style. If a section style is specified, style properties must be specified with the section.
\pnseclvlN Used for multilevel lists. This property sets the default numbering style for each corresponding \pnlvlN control word (bullets and numbering property for paragraphs) within that section. This is a destination control word.
\sectunlocked This section is unlocked for forms.
Section Break
\sbknone No section break.
\sbkcol Section break starts a new column.
\sbkpage Section break starts a new page (the default).
\sbkeven Section break starts at an even page.
\sbkodd Section break starts at an odd page.
\colsN Number of columns for "snaking" (the default is 1).
\colsxN Space between columns in twips (the default is 720).
\colnoN Column number to be formatted; used to specify formatting for variable-width columns.
\colsrN Space to right of column in twips; used to specify formatting for variable-width columns.
\colwN Width of column in twips; used to override the default constant width setting for variable-width columns.
\linebetcol Line between columns.
Line Numbering
\linemodN Line-number modulus amount to increase each line number (the default is 1).
\linexN Distance from the line number to the left text margin in twips (the default is 360). The automatic distance is 0.
\linestartsN Beginning line number (the default is 1).
\linerestart Line numbers restart at \linestarts value.
\lineppage Line numbers restart on each page.
\linecont Line numbers continue from the preceding section.
Page Information
\pgwsxnN N is the page width in twips. A \sectd resets the value to that specified by \paperwN in the document properties.
\pghsxnN N is the page height in twips. A \sectd resets the value to that specified by \paperhN in the document properties.
\marglsxnN N is the left margin of the page in twips. A \sectd resets the value to that specified by \marglN in the document properties.
\margrsxnN N is the right margin of the page in twips. A \sectd resets the value to that specified by \margrN in the document properties.
\margtsxnN N is the top margin of the page in twips. A \sectd resets the value to that specified by \margtN in the document properties.
\margbsxnN N is the bottom margin of the page in twips. A \sectd resets the value to that specified by \margbN in the document properties.
\guttersxnN N is the width of the gutter margin for the section in twips. A \sectd resets the value to that specified by \gutterN from the document properties. If Facing Pages is turned off, the gutter will be added to the left margin of all pages. If Facing Pages is turned on, the gutter will be added to the left side of odd-numbered pages and the right side of even-numbered pages.
\margmirsxn Switches margin definitions on left and right pages. Used in conjunction with \facingp.
\lndscpsxn Page orientation is in landscape format. To mix portrait and landscape sections within a document, the \landscape control should not be used so that the default for a section is portrait, which may be overridden by the \lndscpsxn control.
\titlepg First page has a special format.
\headeryN Header is N twips from the top of the page (the default is 720).
\footeryN Footer is N twips from the bottom of the page (the default is 720).
Page Numbers
\pgnstartsN Beginning page number (the default is 1).
\pgncont Continuous page numbering (the default).
\pgnrestart Page numbers restart at \pgnstarts value.
\pgnxN Page number is N twips from the right margin (the default is 720). This control word is understood but not used by current versions (6.0 or later) of Word.
\pgnyN Page number is N twips from the top margin (the default is 720). This control word is understood but not used by current versions (6.0 or later) of Word.
\pgndec Page-number format is decimal.
\pgnucrm Page-number format is uppercase roman numeral.
\pgnlcrm Page-number format is lowercase roman numeral.
\pgnucltr Page-number format is uppercase letter.
\pgnlcltr Page-number format is lowercase letter.
\pgnhnN Indicates which heading level is used to prefix a heading number to the page number. This control word can only be used in conjunction with numbered heading styles. 0 specifies to not show heading level (the default). Values 1-9 correspond to heading levels 1 through 9.
\pgnhnsh Hyphen separator character. This separator and the successive ones appear between the heading level number and the page number.
\pgnhnsp Period separator character.
\pgnhnsc Colon separator character.
\pgnhnsm Em-dash (—) separator character.
\pgnhnsn En-dash (–) separator character.
Vertical Alignment
\vertalt Text is top-aligned (the default).
\vertalb Text is bottom-aligned.
\vertalc Text is centered vertically.
\vertalj Text is justified vertically.
Bidirectional Controls
\rtlsect This section will snake (newspaper style) columns from right to left.
\ltrsect This section will snake (newspaper style) columns from left to right (the default).
Text Flow
\stextflow Section property for specifying text flow.

0Text flows left to right and top to bottom

1Text flows top to bottom and right to left, vertical

2Text flows left to right and bottom to top

3Text flows right to left and top to bottom

4Text flows left to right and top to bottom, vertical

5Text flows vertically, non-vertical font

Page Borders
\pgbrdrhead Page border surrounds header.
\pgbrdrfoot Page border surrounds footer.
\pgbrdrt Page border top.
\pgbrdrb Page border bottom.
\pgbrdrl Page border left.
\pgbrdrr Page border right.
\brdrartN Page border art; the N argument is a value from 1-165 representing the number of the border.
\pgbrdroptN 8Page border measure from text. Always display in front option is set to off.

32Page border measure from edge of page. Always display in front option is set to on.

40Page border measure from edge of page. Always display in front option is set to off.

\pgbrdrsnap Align paragraph borders and table edges with page border.

The color, width, border style, and border spacing keywords for page borders are the same as the keywords defined for paragraph borders.

Headers and Footers

Headers and footers are RTF destinations. Each section in the document can have its own set of headers and footers. If no headers or footers are defined for a given section, the headers and footers from the previous section (if any) are used. Headers and footers have the following syntax:

<hdrftr> '{' <hdrctl> <para>+ '}' <hdrftr>?
<hdrctl> \header | \footer | \headerl | \headerr | \headerf | \footerl | \footerr | \footerf

Note that each separate <hdrftr> group must have a distinct <hdrctl> introducing it.

Control word Meaning
\header Header on all pages. This is a destination control word.
\footer Footer on all pages. This is a destination control word.
\headerl Header on left pages only. This is a destination control word.
\headerr Header on right pages only. This is a destination control word.
\headerf Header on first page only. This is a destination control word.
\footerl Footer on left pages only. This is a destination control word.
\footerr Footer on right pages only. This is a destination control word.
\footerf Footer on first page only. This is a destination control word.

The \headerl, \headerr, \footerl, and \footerr control words are used in conjunction with the \facingp control word, and the \headerf and \footerf control words are used in conjunction with the \titlepg control word. Many RTF readers will not function correctly if the appropriate document properties are not set. In particular, if \facingp is not set, then only \header and \footer should be used; if \facingp is set, then only \headerl, \headerr, \footerl, and \footerr should be used. Combining both \facingp and \titlepg is allowed. You should not use \header to set the headers for both pages when \facingp is set. You can use \headerf if \titlepg is not set, but no header will appear. For more information, see "Document Formatting Properties" on page 20 and "Section Formatting Properties" on page 26 of this Application Note.

If the previous section had a first page header or footer and had \titlepg set, and the current section does not, then the previous section's first page header or footer is disabled. However, it is not destroyed; if subsequent sections have \titlepg set, then the first page header or footer is restored.