Track Changes (Revision Marks)

This table allows tracking of multiple authors and reviewers of a document, and is used in conjunction with the character properties for tracking changes (using revision marks).

Control word Definition
\*\revtbl This group consists of subgroups that each identify the author of a revision in the document, as in {Author1;}. This is a destination control word.

Revision conflicts, such as one author deleting another's additions, are stored as one group, in the following form:

CurrentAuthor\'00\'<length of previous author's name>PreviousAuthor\'00

The 4 bytes of the Date/Time (DTTM) structure are emitted as ASCII characters, so values greater than 127 should be emitted as hexadecimal values enclosed in quotation marks.

All time references for revision marks use the following bit field structure, DTTM.

Bit numbers Information Range
0–5 Minute 0–59
6–10 Hour 0–23
11–15 Day of month 1–31
16–19 Month 1–12
20–28 Year = Year - 1900
29–31 Day of week 0 (Sun)–6 (Sat)