6.7.2 Resource Directory Entries

The directory entries make up the rows of a table. Each Resource Directory Entry has the following format. Note that whether the entry is a Name or ID entry is indicated by the Resource Directory Table, which indicates how many Name and ID entries follow it (remember that all the Name entries precede all the ID entries for the table). All entries for the table are sorted in ascending order: the Name entries by case-insensitive string, and the ID entries by numeric value.

Offset Size Field Description
0 4 Name RVA Address of string that gives the Type, Name, or Language identifier, depending on level of table.
0 4 Integer ID 32-bit integer that identifies Type, Name, or Language.
4 4 Data Entry RVA High bit 0. Address of a Resource Data Entry (a leaf).
4 4 Subdirectory RVA High bit 1. Lower 31 bits are the address of another Resource Directory Table (the next level down).