Profile Types
GINA DLLs are expected to return account information to Winlogon following a successful logon. This information allows Winlogon to support profile loading and supplemental network providers.
To allow different sets of profile information to be returned by GINAs over time, the first DWORD of each profile structure should contain a type-identifier. The following constants are the defined profile type identifiers.
Standard profile for V1_0.
Note Currently, only one profile structure is defined. This will change with future releases.
The WLX_PROFILE_V1_0 structure is returned from a GINA DLL following authentication. Winlogon uses this information to load the newly logged-on user's profile. Winlogon is responsible for freeing both the main structure and all string and other buffers pointed to from within the structure.
typedef struct _WLX_PROFILE_V1_0 {
DWORD dwType;
PWSTR pszProfile;
Must be set to WLX_PROFILE_TYPE_V1_0.
Profile path, for example, "%SystemRoot%\system32\config\JoeU001". The string pointed to by this field must be separately allocated and will be separately deallocated by Winlogon.