Enter Comments at the Command Line

See Also Concept_AltCmdlineWords;

To enter comments at the command line:

  1. At the command prompt, type ss comment "the itemname.*"

  2. When the command-line prompts you for a comment, type the comment and then press ENTER.

    Note   Comments are not limited to one line; if you reach the end of the line and continue to type, VSS wraps the comment to the next line.

  3. If you want to force a carriage return without ending the comment, type a backslash (\) and then press ENTER. The backslash is not part of the comment, but the carriage return is included in the comment and you can continue typing.

    Note   After you enter a forced carriage return, you are not able to backspace to previous lines.

You can use the -C command-line option for many items as well as for one item. This enables you to type one comment and apply it to all the files.