Show History Command (Tools Menu)

See Also

Shows the history of a file or project in VSS.

Access Rights

You must have the Read access right to use this command.


Every time you check in a file or project to VSS, the file or project is considered a new version. Use the Show History command to display a list of the past versions of a file or project.

The versions are listed starting with the most recent and going back to the creation of the file or project. VSS provides information about the version number, which can be used with other commands (such as Get Latest Version ) to indicate a specific version.

By default, the history of a project includes the histories of all its files, but does not include subprojects.

You can compare one version of a file with another by selecting the two versions simultaneously (hold down the CTRL key and click each version), then clicking Diff.

Dialog Box Options

Note   Enable the display of this dialog box on the Command Dialogs tab in the SourceSafe Options dialog box on the Tools menu.

Include files (project history only)

Includes files in project history.

Recursive (project history only)

Includes subprojects and all files within them.

Labels Only

Includes only labels in project history.


Type a time, date, version, or label. Use the prefix D to indicate a date and/or time, and the prefix L to indicate a label. For example "D02/29/95;12:15" or "Lbeta1". Dates can be entered in 08.15.97, 08-15-97, or 08/15/97 format, but not as August 15, 1997. Note that if you have a project selected to see the history on, you cannot search for file labels you must select the file and use the Show History command to find a specific label.


Type time, date, version, or label. Use the prefix D to indicate a date and/or time, and the prefix L to indicate a label. For example "D02/29/95;12:15" or "LBeta1". Dates can be entered in 08.15.95, 08-15-95, or 08/15/95 format, but not as August 15, 1995.


Shows a history of files worked on by the specified user.


Displays the History of Project or History of File dialog box, depending on whether a file or project is selected in VSS Explorer. In these dialog boxes, click any of the items in the list, and then click Details to display the History Details dialog box. From within the History Details dialog box, you can click the Next and Previous buttons to move up and down in the history display. You can also edit the comment and label associated with the version you are viewing.

Skip This Dialog

Skips this dialog box during future Show History operations, and uses the settings you've entered as the default. To restore the dialog box, select the appropriate check box on the Command Dialogs tab of the Options dialog box.