Difference for Project Dialog Box

Shows the differences between files in the selected VSS database project and the working folder set for that project.  You can also see what is different within a file, and reconcile differences if desired.

To display the Differences For Project dialog box:

  1. Select a project in the project pane of VSS Explorer.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Show Differences.  Select options in the Project Difference dialog box (if it's enabled), then click OK.

Note   To enable the display of the Project Difference dialog box, check the Difference checkbox in the Project column on the Command Dialogs tab in the SourceSafe Options dialog box (Tools menu).

Dialog Box Options

This powerful dialog is composed of two panes, one showing the files in your current project (on the left) and the other showing files in the working folder assigned to the current project (on the right).  This dialog also has its own toolbar, with buttons for adding files, deleting files, getting files, checking files out and in, undoing file check outs, viewing files, reconciling the differences between the project and working folder, and more.

Files in both panes are sorted alphabetically, by file name or folder name (if there are subfolders).  Remember that the list of files in the right and left panes is filtered by the choices you made in the Show Differences command dialog.  For example, if you choose to show only files that are different in both places, you will not see files that are the same in both your working folder and your current project.  You can size the columns in the left pane by dragging the column bar with your left mouse button.  Pressing F5 will refresh your dialog box with current information (but may be slow for large projects).

There are four types of files which may appear in the lists.

Note   You can set your default colors for added, changed, and deleted text by using the Difference tab of the Tools Options dialog box.

The above is a complete list of the four types of files, but not a complete list of the possibilities.  For instance, if another user renames a file in VSS you will see a file you do not actually have, in the File List for that project in VSS Explorer; and in your working folder for the project there will be a file that is not present in the VSS database. So you would want to get VSS's file, and delete your local one, to reconcile the differences.

File icons in the left pane of the dialog box represent the same things they do in the main Explorer window a checkmark next to a file means the file is checked out, etc.  File icons in the right pane represent conditions specific to you for example, a checkmark in the right pane means the file is checked out to you specifically, in your working folder.  Double-clicking a file views it.  Double-clicking a folder does nothing.

Toolbar commands in this dialog generally work in the same way as the standard VSS commands, but some work slightly different, as follows:

Note   If you use a mouse, you can access many of the preceding commands with the right mouse button