Share From Project Dialog Box

See Also

Shares a project with the current project, and pins it to a past version.

To display the Share From Project dialog box:

  1. In the project pane of VSS Explorer, select a project into which you want to share another project.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Show History.  Make selections in the Project History Options dialog box if it is enabled, and click OK.

    Note   Enable the display of the Project History Options dialog box on the Command Dialogs tab in the SourceSafe Options dialog box (Tools menu).

  3. In the History of Project dialog box, click Share.

When you use this dialog box, what you are going to do is create a brand new project, which is identical to an old version of this project.  For instance, suppose you could create a project that is exactly identical to $/A/B as it existed last Monday at midnight.  Your new project is named, let's say, $/A/C.  C is identical to B--has all the same subprojects and files--but the files in C represent old versions of the files in B.  There are two ways that this can happen.  The files can be pinned to the old versions (but still shared with their counterparts in B), or they can be rolled back to those versions (no longer shared with B); you choose between these two methods based on whether you click the Branch after share checkbox.

To do this as described in the example above, you would choose B (the place you want to share from; note that this is the reverse of the normal share direction), go into the History dialog box, and click the Share button.  Then, specify the location and name of the new project, whether you want to branch, whether you want to do it recursively, and so on. 

Dialog Box Options


Shows the project list so that you can browse for the project to share with the current project.

Branch After Share

Branches immediately after sharing, rolling back the project you just created to the specified version.  With this option, you can easily create a separate version of the project as it was in a former version.


Shares the selected project into the current project and pins it to the selected version.  If the selected project is the current version, the shared project is pinned at that version.


Cancels the Share From Project command.