Comment_Editor_Prompt Initialization Variable

See Also

Controls the prompt used when entering a comment with an editor. Applies only to the VSS command-line program (SS.exe)


Comment_Editor_Prompt = {Yes|No}


Turns the editor prompt on:

Comment_Editor_Prompt = Yes


When you are entering a file comment in the VSS command line, the Editor and Comment_Editor initialization variables invoke an editor or word processor in which you can enter your comment. When the editor is displayed, it provides a prompt such as the following:

Enter a comment for TEST.C; then save and exit.

This prompt is not included in your comment; you do not have to delete it (although you can, with no harm, delete it). You can set this variable to No (the default is Yes), so the prompt does not appear in your editor.

You can also set this variable in your SS.INI file under the Comment Prompt options on the Command Line Options tab in the SourceSafe Options dialog box.