Controls what happens when you attempt to get or check out a file on top of a writable file. The default is Ask.
Replace_Writable = {Merge|Replace|Ask|Skip}
Instructs VSS not to overwrite writable files:
Replace_Writable = No
When you get or check out a file, VSS copies the file into your working folder. If there is already a writable (non-read-only) copy of the file in your working directory for instance, if you have the file checked out
overwriting the file may destroy your work.
VSS provides four ways to handle this situation.
You can also set this variable in your SS.INI file by using the Replace Other Writable Files option on the Local Files tab in the SourceSafe Options dialog box.
Use the Replace_Checkout initialization variable to control how VSS treats writable files in your working directory when you get or check out files that you previously checked out.