Shadow_Extension Initialization Variable

See Also

Changes the extension of files placed in the VSS shadow folder. Used in the SRCSAFE.INI file only.


Shadow_Extension = extension


Sets the shadow extension to ??V:

Shadow_Extension = ??V


By default, all files are given the same name in the shadow folder that they have in VSS. However, in some cases (especially for the sake of Make utilities), you may want files in the shadow folder to have extensions different from their real counterpart. Therefore, you can use this variable to set the extension that is used for files in the shadow folder.

For example, if you set this variable to .sdw, all files in the shadow folder are given the extension .sdw. However, this does not enable you to distinguish different file types; the question mark is therefore provided as a special character, which tells VSS to use the actual character. Hence, in the above example ??V, the extension .pas turns into .pav. The extension .c turns into .c_v.