FindinFiles (Command Line)

See Also

Shows all instances of a specified string in one or more files.


ss FindinFiles string [VSS items] [-H] [-I-] [-IC] [-N] [-O] [-R] [-V] [-Y] [-?]


Looks for the string "giGlobal" in all .C files:

ss FindinFiles giGlobal *.C

Looks for the string "Hello world" in the current project:

ss FindinFiles "Hello world"

The following table describes the command-line options available with this command.

Option Description
-O Paginate or redirect the command output.
-R Recursively scan through an entire project list.
-V Look through an earlier version of all specified files or projects.
-IC Ignore case when looking.
-I- Ignore: Do not ask for input under any circumstances.
-N Change between long and short file name mode.
-Y Specify a username and/or password.
-?, -H Request online Help on a command.

Access Rights

You must have the Read access right to use this command.


The FindinFiles command displays a list of all occurrences of a character string in the VSS files specified (in the same way the Grep command does in UNIX systems). You can look through a file, or through a project (which scans all the files in that project); if you don't specify VSS items, it is assumed you are looking through the files in the current project.

The VSS FindinFiles command supports two wildcard characters * and ?.

Ordinarily, the VSS FindinFiles command is case-sensitive and looks for exact matches: the letter "A" does not match the letter "a". The -IC option makes the search case-insensitive, so "A" matches "a".

FindinFiles returns an exit code of 1 if there were 1 or more matches, 0 if there were no matches, and 100 if an error occurred.