View (Command Line)

See Also

Displays the text of a file.


ss View VSS files [-H] [-I-] [-N] [-O] [-V] [-Y] [-?]


Shows the contents of the VSS file TEST.C:

ss View TEST.C

Retrieves version 5 of TEST.C into a file called TEST.OLD (text files only):


The following table describes the command-line options available with this command.

Option Description
-O Paginate or redirect the command output.
-V View an earlier version of a file.
-I- Ignore: Do not ask for input under any circumstances.
-N Change between long and short file name mode.
-Y Specify a username and/or password.
-?, -H Request online Help on a command.

Access Rights

You must have the Read access right to use this command.


The View command displays the text of a VSS file on the screen in much the same manner as the type command in MS-DOS. It does not perform a Get operation on the file or change anything in either VSS or your working folder.

By default, VSS displays the file by scrolling it on the command line. If you want the text displayed differently, set the Editor initialization variable to specify the text editor in which you want to view the text of the file. You can also use the Extension_Association initialization variable to set the editor associated with different file extensions.