
See Also

Sets the working folder. In the VSS Explorer, use the Set Working Folder command.


SS Workfold [Project] [Folder]


Sets the $/Website project working folder to c:\External Web\Website:

ss Workfold $/WEBSITE c:\External Web\Website

The following table describes the command-line options available with this command.

Option Description
Project Specifies the VSS project you want to set a working folder for.
Folder Specifies the working folder for the specified project.
-?, -H Request online Help on a command.

Access Rights

You must have the Read access right to use this command.


This command makes the specified folder the working folder for the specified project.

Note that both the project and the directory are optional. If either one is not specified, the current project or folder is used. That is, if you do not specify a folder, the current folder is used. If you do not specify a project, the current project is used. If you specify more than one project or more than one folder, that is an error.

The output of the command is simply the string:

%s successfully set as the working folder for %s.

The Force_Dir and Force_Prj initialization variables are completely ignored by this command.