Create Shadow Folders

See Also

The VSS administrator is responsible for creating shadow folders because these folders affect all users.

A shadow folder is optional. It's generally used in one of two situations:

When you set a shadow folder for a particular project, you are making an assignment for the entire project tree, unless you override that assignment for particular subprojects.

Note   Ensure that all users with add/checkin rights have write privileges to the shadow folder.

To create a shadow folder:

  1. On the VSS Administrator Tools menu, click Options to display the SourceSafe Options dialog box.

  2. Click the Shadow Folders tab.

  3. In the Set Shadow Folder for Project box, enter the name of the project to shadow, or click Browse to search for a project from the VSS project list.

  4. In the Set Shadow Folder To box, type the name of the folder to be used as a shadow folder, or click Browse to search for a folder.

  5. Click OK and wait while the folder is built.