Move Files and Projects

See Also

Moving Files

The only way to move a file is to share it with the new parent project, and then delete or destroy the file in the original project. The history of the file will be retained. You cannot move individual files with the Move Project command.

Moving Projects

Note   To use the Move command, you must have the Add access right in the parent project being moved to, and the Destroy access right in the parent project being moved from. See your administrator to change your rights.

You can relocate a subproject from one parent project to another by using the Move command. This command redefines the project path to a given subproject. For example, you select the project $/WordProcessor/SpellChecker and move it to the existing project $/Database. The new project is $/Database/SpellChecker and it is identical to the former project $/WordProcessor/SpellChecker.

This command does not rename a project; use the Rename command for that. The Move command does not change the contents or history of a subproject. It does, however, affect the histories of the old and new parent projects. Finally, a Move is very different from both a Share and a Branch.

Warning   When you move a project, you make it impossible to faithfully reconstruct an old version of its parent project. After the preceding example, any attempt to recursively get a pre-moved version of $/WordProcessor generates a warning that subproject $/SpellChecker has been moved and is no longer available.

For information on how to move files and projects in VSS, refer to: