Share Files

See Also

VSS projects are in many ways analogous to operating system folders. However, whereas every file in an operating system exists uniquely in a folder, a VSS file can simultaneously exist in many different projects.

In VSS, you can share files. Inside the VSS database, there is only one copy, the master copy, of the file; each project to which the file belongs simply has a pointer to that copy. When you change the file in any one project, VSS immediately updates it in all the projects that share it.


When you add a file called Test to Project A and to Project B, you have added two unconnected files with the same name. When you add the file to one of the projects, and share it with the other project, the two projects are linked to the same file.

A shared file exists equally in all the projects to which it is shared that is, each project in which the file is shared has an equal pointer to the one master copy of the file.

Note   It is important to understand what happens when you carry out the Destroy and Purge commands on shared files.

If a file is shared by multiple projects, destroying or purging it in one project does not delete the file from the VSS database, and consequently does not free any disk space.

For information on how to share files, refer to: