Use Project Headers in SS.INI

See Also

Project headers allow you to specify variables on a project-by-project basis. Because almost every variable can be placed under a project header, you can customize VSS so that different projects act very differently.

If a variable occurs in the SS.INI file before any header, it applies to all projects. If a variable is placed under a project header, it applies only under that project. Consider the following example, in which the Diff_Format variable is set three times:

;the following variable applies to all projects
Diff_Format = Visual
;the following variables apply under $/Reports
Diff_Format = SS
Dir = C:\DEV
;the following variable applies under $/Reports/JournalLogs
Diff_Format = UNIX

The first setting of Diff_Format occurs before any header; consequently, it sets the default for all projects. The second setting of Diff_Format overrides this setting for the project $/Reports. The setting also, by default, is inherited by all subprojects under $/Reports. However, under $/Reports/JournalLogs, the variable is explicitly set to UNIX; this setting blocks other inheritance, and applies only to JournalLogs and its subproject.