The following example makes an ODBC connection to your specified datasource and returns the first five rows.
Some lines of code below exceed the printed page. Such lines use an underscore as a line continuation character.
'Selected ODBC Core API's Definitions -- 32 bit versions
Declare Function SQLAllocConnect Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal_
hEnvironmentv&, phConnect&) As Integer
Declare Function SQLAllocEnv Lib "odbc32.dll" (phEnvironmentv&)_
As Integer
Declare Function SQLAllocStmt Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal hConnect&,_
phstmt&) As Integer
Declare Function SQLConnect Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal hConnect&,_
ByVal szDSN$, ByVal cbDSN%, ByVal szUID$, ByVal cbUID%, ByVal_
szAuthStr$, ByVal cbAuthStr%) As Integer
Declare Function SQLSetStmtOption Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal_
hstmt&, ByVal fOption%, ByVal vParam&) As Integer
Declare Function SQLSetCursorName Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal_
hstmt&, ByVal szCursor$, ByVal cbCursor%) As Integer
Declare Function SQLExecDirect Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal hstmt&,_
ByVal szSqlStr$, ByVal cbSqlStr&) As Integer
Declare Function SQLNumResultCols Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal_
hstmt&, pccol%) As Integer
Declare Function SQLExtendedFetch Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal_
hstmt&, ByVal fFetchType%, ByVal irow&, pcrow&, rgfRowStatus%)_
As Integer
Declare Function SQLSetPos Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal hstmt&, ByVal_
irow%, ByVal fOption%, ByVal fLock%) As Integer
Declare Function SQLDisconnect Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal_
hConnect&) As Integer
Declare Function SQLFreeConnect Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal_
hConnect&) As Integer
Declare Function SQLFreeEnv Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal_
hEnvironmentv&) As Integer
Declare Function SQLGetData Lib "odbc32.dll" (ByVal hstmt&,_
ByVal icol%, ByVal fCType%, ByVal rgbValue As String, ByVal_
cbValueMax&, pcbValue&) As Integer
Global Const SQL_ERROR As Long = -1
Global Const SQL_INVALID_HANDLE As Long = -2
Global Const SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND As Long = 100
Global Const SQL_SUCCESS As Long = 0
Global Const SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO As Long = 1
Global Const SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY As Long = 1
Global Const SQL_CONCUR_LOCK As Long = 2
Global Const SQL_CONCUR_ROWVER As Long = 3
Global Const SQL_CONCUR_VALUES As Long = 4
Global Const SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY As Long = 0
Global Const SQL_CURSOR_TYPE As Long = 6
Global Const SQL_CONCURRENCY As Long = 7
Global Const SQL_ROWSET_SIZE As Long = 9
Global Const SQL_NTS As Long = -3
'Global Const SQL_FETCH_NEXT As Long = 1
Global Const SQL_FETCH_FIRST As Long = 2
Global Const SQL_POSITION As Long = 0
Global Const SQL_LOCK_NO_CHANGE As Long = 0
Global Const SQL_CHAR As Long = 1
Function callODBCcursor()
Dim Result As Integer 'Return value.
Dim hEnvironment As Long 'Environment handle.
Dim hConnect As Long 'Connection handle.
Dim hstmt As Long 'Statement handle.
Dim errorlocation As String
Dim RowSetSize As Long
Dim strSQL As String
Dim ColCount As Integer
Dim strThisRecord As String * 256
Dim outlen As Long
Dim strData As String
Dim strDataFinal As String
Dim RowCount As Integer
Dim Cols As Integer
Dim RowNum As Long
Dim RowsGot As Long
Dim RowStat As Integer
On Error GoTo callODBCcursor_err
' Get an environment and connection handle
Result = SQLAllocEnv(hEnvironment) 'Allocate environment handle
' allocate connection handle
Result = SQLAllocConnect(ByVal hEnvironment, hConnect)
' Set up the connection string
Dim strdsn As String, strUID As String, strPWD As String
strdsn = InputBox("Enter the name of your_
datasource.""Datasource Name?")
If strdsn = "" Then
errorlocation = "DatasourceName"
GoTo callODBCcursor_err
End If
strUID = "sa"
strPWD = ""
'Establish the connection
Result = SQLConnect(hConnect, strdsn, Len(strdsn), strUID,_
Len(strUID), strPWD, Len(strPWD))
If Result = SQL_ERROR Then 'SQL_ERROR is +1
errorlocation = "SQLConnect"
GoTo callODBCcursor_err
End If
'Allocate a statement handle.
Result = SQLAllocStmt(hConnect, hstmt)
If Result = SQL_ERROR Then
errorlocation = "SQLAllocStmt"
GoTo callODBCcursor_err
End If
'Specifies "optimistic concurrency control, comparing row versions"
Result = SQLSetStmtOption(hstmt, SQL_CONCURRENCY,_
If Result = SQL_ERROR Then
errorlocation = "SQLSetStmtOption, Concurrency"
GoTo callODBCcursor_err
End If
'Specifies a keyset driven cursor
Result = SQLSetStmtOption(hstmt, SQL_CURSOR_TYPE,_
If Result = SQL_ERROR Then
errorlocation = "SQLSetStmtOption Cursor Type"
GoTo callODBCcursor_err
End If
'Specifies the number of rows that are returned with the keyset
RowSetSize = 5
Result = SQLSetStmtOption(hstmt, SQL_ROWSET_SIZE,_
If Result = SQL_ERROR Then
errorlocation = "SQLSetStmtOption Rowset Size"
GoTo callODBCcursor_err
End If
Result = SQLSetCursorName(hstmt, "C1", SQL_NTS)
If Result = SQL_ERROR Then
errorlocation = "SQLSetCursorName"
GoTo callODBCcursor_err
End If
'The SQL String that defines the data being returned by the cursor
strSQL = "Select title_id, title from titles"
'Submit the SQL Statement
Result = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, strSQL, Len(strSQL))
'How many columns came back?
Result = SQLNumResultCols(hstmt, ColCount)
RowCount = 1
Result = SQLExtendedFetch(hstmt, SQL_FETCH_FIRST,_
RowNum, RowsGot, RowStat)
'Loop through each row "fetched" by the cursor
For RowCount = 1 To RowSetSize
Result = SQLSetPos(hstmt, RowCount, SQL_POSITION,_
'Loop through each column
strData = ""
For Cols = 1 To ColCount
Result = SQLGetData(hstmt, Cols, SQL_CHAR,_
strThisRecord, 256, outlen)
strData = strData & Left(strThisRecord, outlen)
'Add_ spaces for formatting
If Cols < ColCount Then strData = strData & " "
Next Cols
strDataFinal = strDataFinal & strData & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13)
Next RowCount
'Display final output
MsgBox strDataFinal
'Disconnect and free the connection and environment handles
Result = SQLDisconnect(hConnect)
Result = SQLFreeConnect(hConnect)
Result = SQLFreeEnv(hEnvironment)
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error in section " & errorlocation & "."
MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Err.Description
Result = SQLDisconnect(hConnect)
Result = SQLFreeConnect(hConnect)
Result = SQLFreeEnv(hEnvironment)
End Function