Mapping the Remote Data Object: RDO 1.0

Ken Lassesen
Microsoft Developer Network Technology Group

August 2, 1995

Click here for a diagram of the Remote Data Object in various graphics formats.


This article consists primarily of a graphic map of the Remote Data Object (RDO), showing its properties, methods, and child objects. The map provides a quick reference to this object. This object is licensed for use only with Visual Basic® 4.0 Enterprise Edition.

The Remote Data Object

The Remote Data Object (RDO) uses Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) to communicate with database servers via the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver manager and a specified server driver. This approach insulates the developer from many database-programming complexities while providing high-level data access objects, properties, and methods. This object is licensed for use only with Visual Basic® 4.0 Enterprise Edition.

A map is a good learning aid and a quick reference when developing an application. After producing a map, I found that it was easy to work with the object: I just post the appropriate map on my wall for quick reference, which is a lot faster than clicking objects in a Help file one by one to discover their properties and methods.

Because Figure 1 is unreadable online, I have included the two most common graphics formats—encapsulated PostScript™ (.EPS) and Windows® metafile (.WMF)—as well as a copy of my original Shapeware® Visio™ version 3.0 file (.VSD). The first two formats can be printed across multiple pages using any of the commercial graphics applications—such as Adobe™ PageMaker™, Corel® Draw, or Microsoft® Publisher—or using Microsoft Excel. The original Visio file is included for those who have a copy of Visio and wish to modify the diagram easily.

Figure 1. The Remote Data Object map

Object Definitions

The objects and collections in Figure 1 are defined in Table 1.

Table 1. Object and Collection Definitions

Object or Collection Definition
rdoEngine object This object represents the remote data source. As the top-level object, it contains all other objects in the hierarchy of remote data objects.
rdoErrors collection This collection contains all stored rdoError objects. Each rdoError object applies to a single operation involving remote data objects.
rdoError object This object contains details about remote data access errors.
rdoEnvironments collection This collection contains all active rdoEnvironment objects of the rdoEngine object.
rdoEnvironment object This object contains a logical set of connections for a particular user ID. It contains open databases, provides mechanisms for simultaneous transactions, and provides a security context for data manipulation language (DML) operations on the database.
rdoConnections collection This collection contains all open rdoConnection objects opened or created in an rdoEnvironment object of the remote database engine.
rdoConnection object This object represents an open connection to a remote data source and a specific database on that data source.
rdoPreparedStatements collection This collection contains all rdoPreparedStatement objects in an rdoConnection.
rdoPreparedStatement object This object is a stored definition of a query. An rdoPreparedStatement object corresponds to a prepared query definition. Think of this object as a compiled SQL statement.
rdoColumns collection This collection contains all stored rdoColumn objects of an rdoResultset, rdoPreparedStatement, or rdoTable object.
rdoColumn object This object represents a column of data with a common data type and a common set of properties.
rdoParameters collection This collection contains all the rdoParameter objects of an rdoPreparedStatement object.
rdoParameter object This object is a parameter associated with an rdoPreparedStatement object.
rdoResultsets collection This collection contains all open rdoResultset objects in an rdoConnection.
rdoResultset object This object is the set of rows that results from running a query.
rdoTables collection This collection contains all stored rdoTable objects in a database.
rdoTable object This object is the stored definition of a base table or an SQL view.