December 5, 1995
The Microsoft® Visual Basic® Common Dialog control allows you to display a Save As dialog box in your Visual Basic application so that a user can save a file to disk. This article explains how to prevent a user from saving files to a disk drive that is not installed on the computer system.
The Microsoft® Visual Basic® Common Dialog control provides six dialog boxes that you can use in your application. The Action property of the Common Dialog control determines which of the six (Open Disk File, Save As, Color, Font, Print, and Help) dialog boxes appears. One of these dialog boxes is the Save As dialog box. This dialog box appears when you need to save a file to disk.
The Save As dialog box lets the user of your application type the name he or she wants to assign to the file that is to be saved to disk. Note that the Common Dialog control does not actually save the data to the file—it simply provides an easy way for the user to select a file with which to work. The user can specify any disk drive, even one that is not actually installed on the computer system. This "flexibility," however, may create problems.
You can require that a user save the file to a specific disk drive by first testing for a drive designation. The name of the file the user types is stored in the Common Dialog control's Filename property. It is a simple matter to check the first letter of this string to determine which disk drive the user wants to save the file to. You can then modify the drive designation to suit your needs.
In the example program below, you use the Ucase and Left functions provided in Visual Basic to test the first character of the string stored in the Filename property. If this letter is not the letter A, you know the user typed a different drive letter. In this case, an error message appears indicating that the user must save the file to drive A only. If the user types the correct disk drive letter, the program continues running.
This program shows how to force the Common Dialog Save As dialog box to save a file to a specific disk drive.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call Save_DriveA
End Sub
Function Save_DriveA()
Dim X As Integer
CommonDialog1.Action = 2 'save file
If UCase(Left(CommonDialog1.filename, 1)) <> "A" Then
MsgBox "You must save file to drive A only"
Exit Do
End If
X = FreeFile
Open CommonDialog1.filename For Output As #X
Print #X, Text1.Text
Close #X
MsgBox "File has been saved to drive A"
End Function
Run the example program by pressing F5. Click the Command Button control. The Common Dialog Save As dialog box appears on the screen. Type the name you want to assign to the file, and click the Save button. If you specified a disk drive other than drive A, a message box appears. You are then returned to the Common Dialog Save As dialog box to type a new filename. You must type the filename by specifying drive A as the destination disk drive. The program will then save the contents of the Text Box control to the specified file.