December 5, 1995
This article explains how to retrieve the amount of available disk space from within a Microsoft® Visual Basic® application.
When writing information to disk from within a Microsoft® Visual Basic® application, you may need to determine whether there is enough space available on the disk drive before starting to write the new data to it.
The Microsoft Windows® application programming interface (API) GetDiskFreeSpace function allows you to calculate how much free space there is on a specified disk drive. To use this function, include the following Declare statement in the General Declarations section of your application:
Declare Function GetDiskFreeSpace Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDiskFreeSpaceA"
(ByVal lpRootPathName As String, lpSectorsPerCluster As Long,
lpBytesPerSector As Long, lpNumberOfFreeClusters As Long,
lpTotalNumberOfClusters As Long) As Long
The GetDiskFreeSpace function requires five arguments, as follows:
lpRootPathName | A string containing the root directory for the disk drive for which you want to retrieve information. If NULL, the default directory's root path is used. |
LpSectorsPerCluster | A long value that will contain the number of sectors per cluster. |
LpBytesPerSector | A long value that will contain the number of bytes per sector. |
LpNumberOfFreeClusters | A long value that will contain the number of free clusters on the disk. |
LpTotalNumberOfClusters | A long value that will contain the number of clusters on the disk. |
After executing the GetDiskFreeSpace function, either a value of True is returned if the function was successful or a value of False if the function was not successful.
To calculate the total number of bytes available on the disk, you need to multiply the number of bytes per sector by the number of sectors per cluster. Then, multiply this result by the number of free clusters on the disk. This total gives you the number of bytes of free space on the disk.
This program shows how to retrieve the amount of free disk space.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim X As Long
X = GetDiskSpace("c:\")
If X Then
sFreeSpace = Format$(CurrentDisk.FreeBytes, "###,###,##0")
sTotalSpace = Format$(CurrentDisk.TotalBytes, "###,###,##0")
sFreePcnt = Format$(CurrentDisk.FreePcnt, "Percent")
sUsedPcnt = Format$(CurrentDisk.UsedPcnt, "Percent")
End If
text1.Text = "Free Space: " & sFreeSpace & " Percent: "
& sFreePcnt & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
text1.Text = text1.Text & "Total Bytes free: " & sTotalSpace &
" Percent: " & sUsedPcnt
End Sub
Function GetDiskSpace(sRootPathName As String) As Long
Dim X As Long
Dim lSectorsPerCluster As Long, lBytesPerSector As Long
Dim lNumberOfFreeClusters As Long, lTotalNumberOfClusters As Long
X = GetDiskFreeSpace(sRootPathName, lSectorsPerCluster, lBytesPerSector,
lNumberOfFreeClusters, lTotalNumberOfClusters)
GetDiskSpace = X
If X Then
CurrentDisk.RootPath = sRootPathName
CurrentDisk.FreeBytes = lBytesPerSector * lSectorsPerCluster *
CurrentDisk.TotalBytes = lBytesPerSector * lSectorsPerCluster *
CurrentDisk.FreePcnt = (CurrentDisk.TotalBytes - CurrentDisk.FreeBytes)
/ CurrentDisk.TotalBytes
CurrentDisk.UsedPcnt = CurrentDisk.FreeBytes / CurrentDisk.TotalBytes
CurrentDisk.RootPath = ""
CurrentDisk.FreeBytes = 0
CurrentDisk.TotalBytes = 0
CurrentDisk.FreePcnt = 0
CurrentDisk.UsedPcnt = 0
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Declare Function GetDiskFreeSpace Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDiskFreeSpaceA"
(ByVal lpRootPathName As String, lpSectorsPerCluster As Long,
lpBytesPerSector As Long, lpNumberOfFreeClusters As Long,
lpTotalNumberOfClusters As Long) As Long
RootPath As String * 3
FreeBytes As Long
TotalBytes As Long
FreePcnt As Single
UsedPcnt As Single
End Type
Global CurrentDisk As DISKSPACEINFO
Run the example program by pressing f5. Click the Command Button control. The program displays the number and percentage of free bytes of disk space, and the total number and percentage of bytes used.