Tip 22: Converting DWords, Words, and Bytes

Created: March 1, 1995


You can write functions in Visual Basic® that split and combine DWords, Words, and Bytes. These functions can be used to do such things as taking two integer values and transferring them to a long integer value, where the first integer is the high word and the second integer is the low word.

Conversion Routines for Visual Basic

The seven functions listed below can be used to convert DWords, Words, and Bytes to other equivalent values. These routines can be used when calling Windows® application programming interface (API) functions that require specific parameters that Visual Basic® itself does not provide.

Function HiByte(ByVal w As Integer) As Byte

    If w And &H8000 Then
        HiByte = &H80 Or ((w And &H7FFF) \ &HFF)
        HiByte = w \ 256
    End If
End Function

Function HiWord(dw As Long) As Integer

    If dw And &H80000000 Then
        HiWord = (dw \ 65535) - 1
        HiWord = dw \ 65535
    End If
End Function

Function LoByte(w As Integer) As Byte

    LoByte = w And &HFF
End Function

Function LoWord(dw As Long) As Integer

    If dw And &H8000& Then
        LoWord = &H8000 Or (dw And &H7FFF&)
        LoWord = dw And &HFFFF&
    End If
End Function

Function LShiftWord(ByVal w As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As Integer

    Dim dw As Long
    dw = w * (2 ^ c)
    If dw And &H8000& Then
        LShiftWord = CInt(dw And &H7FFF&) Or &H8000
        LShiftWord = dw And &HFFFF&
    End If
End Function

Function RShiftWord(ByVal w As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As Integer

    Dim dw As Long
    If c = 0 Then
        RShiftWord = w
        dw = w And &HFFFF&
        dw = dw \ (2 ^ c)
        RShiftWord = dw And &HFFFF&
    End If
End Function

Function MakeWord(ByVal bHi As Byte, ByVal bLo As Byte) As Integer

    If bHi And &H80 Then
        MakeWord = (((bHi And &H7F) * 256) + bLo) Or &H8000
        MakeWord = (bHi * 256) + bLo
    End If
End Function

Function MakeDWord(wHi As Integer, wLo As Integer) As Long

    If wHi And &H8000& Then
        MakeDWord = (((wHi And &H7FFF&) * 65536) Or (wLo And &HFFFF&)) _Or &H80000000
        MakeDWord = (wHi * 65535) + wLo
    End If
End Function