Tip 93: Retrieving the Names of Installed Printers

May 22, 1995


The Windows® initialization file, WIN.INI, contains a list of all printers attached to the computer system. This article contains an example program that retrieves the name of each printer stored in the WIN.INI initialization file.

Using GetProfileString and GetPrivateProfileString

The Devices section of the WIN.INI initialization file contains the names of all printers attached to your computer system. You can retrieve this list of printer names by using two Windows® application programming interface (API) functions.

The Windows API GetProfileString and GetPrivateProfileString functions can be used to retrieve the name of a printer as stored in the WIN.INI file. For a complete discussion of these functions, see the articles listed in the "Additional References" section of this article.

Example Program

This program retrieves the names of all installed printers from the WIN.INI initialization file. The printer names are displayed in a List Box control.

  1. Create a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

  2. Add the following Constant, Declare, and Type statements to the General Declarations section of Form1 (note that each Declare statement must be typed as a single line of text):
    Option Explicit
    Private Type WindowsDevice
       WindowsDeviceUserName As String
       WindowsDeviceShortName As String
       WindowsDevicePortName As String
    End Type
    Private Declare Function GetProfileString Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpAppName 
       As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal 
       lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Integer) As Integer
    Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpAppName 
       As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal 
       lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal lpFileName As 
       String) As Integer
    Private Declare Function GetProfileKeys Lib "Kernel" Alias "GetProfileString" 
       (ByVal lpAppName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Long, ByVal lpDefault As 
        String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Integer) As Integer
    Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileKeys Lib "Kernel" Alias 
       "GetPrivateProfileString" (ByVal lpAppName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As 
       Long, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal 
       nSize As Integer, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer
    Const WINDOWS_SECTION_NAME = "windows"
    Const DEVICES_SECTION_NAME = "devices"
    Const DEVICE_KEY_NAME = "device"
    Const NO_PRINTER = "(none)"
  3. Add a Text Box control to Form1. Text1 is created by default.

  4. Add a Command Button control to Form1. Command1 is created by default.

  5. Add the following code to the Click event for Command1 (note that the List1.AddItem statement must be typed as a single line of code):
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Dim OrgPrinter As WindowsDevice
    Call GetDefaultPrinter(OrgPrinter)
    Text1.Text = OrgPrinter.WindowsDeviceUserName
    Dim NumPrinters As Integer
    ReDim InstalledPrinters(0) As WindowsDevice
    Call GetInstalledPrinters(InstalledPrinters())
    For NumPrinters = 1 To UBound(InstalledPrinters)
    List1.AddItem InstalledPrinters(NumPrinters).WindowsDeviceUserName + " 
    on " + InstalledPrinters(NumPrinters).WindowsDevicePortName
    List1.AddItem NO_PRINTER, 0
    End Sub
  6. Create a new function called GetDefaultPrinter. Add the following code to this function:
    Private Sub GetDefaultPrinter(recDefaultPrinter As WindowsDevice)
    Dim StrPos As Integer
    Dim DefaultPrinter As String
    Dim RC As Integer
    DefaultPrinter = GetString(WINDOWS_SECTION_NAME, DEVICE_KEY_NAME, "", "")
    StrPos = InStr(DefaultPrinter, ",")
    recDefaultPrinter.WindowsDeviceUserName = Left$(DefaultPrinter, StrPos - 1)
    DefaultPrinter = Mid$(DefaultPrinter, StrPos + 1)
    StrPos = InStr(DefaultPrinter, ",")
    recDefaultPrinter.WindowsDeviceShortName = Left$(DefaultPrinter, StrPos - 1)
    recDefaultPrinter.WindowsDevicePortName = Mid$(DefaultPrinter, StrPos + 1)
    End Sub
  7. Create a new function called GetInstalledPrinter. Add the following code to this function (note that the InstalledPrinter lines must be typed as a single line of code):
    Private Sub GetInstalledPrinters(recInstalledPrinters() As WindowsDevice)
    Dim StrPos As Integer
    Dim PrtSub As Integer
    Dim InstalledPrinter As String
    ReDim PrinterNames(0) As String
    Call GetKeyNames(DEVICES_SECTION_NAME, PrinterNames(), "")
    ReDim recInstalledPrinters(UBound(PrinterNames))
    For PrtSub = 1 To UBound(PrinterNames)
    InstalledPrinter = GetString(DEVICES_SECTION_NAME, PrinterNames(PrtSub), 
    "", "")
    StrPos = InStr(InstalledPrinter, ",")
    recInstalledPrinters(PrtSub).WindowsDeviceUserName = 
    recInstalledPrinters(PrtSub).WindowsDeviceShortName = 
    Left$(InstalledPrinter, StrPos - 1)
    InstalledPrinter = Mid$(InstalledPrinter, StrPos + 1)
    StrPos = InStr(InstalledPrinter, ",")
    If StrPos > 0 Then
    recInstalledPrinters(PrtSub).WindowsDevicePortName = 
    Left$(InstalledPrinter, StrPos - 1)
    recInstalledPrinters(PrtSub).WindowsDevicePortName = 
    End If
    End Sub
  8. Create a new function called GetString. Add the following code to this function (note that the Function and KeyValueLength lines must each be typed as a single line of code):
    Function GetString(SectionName As String, KeyName As String, DefaultValue 
    As String, ProfileName As String) As String
    Dim KeyValueLength As Integer
    Dim KeyValue As String
    KeyValue = Space$(256)
    If Trim$(ProfileName) = "" Then
    KeyValueLength = GetProfileString(SectionName, KeyName, DefaultValue, 
    KeyValue, Len(KeyValue))
    KeyValueLength = GetPrivateProfileString(SectionName, KeyName, 
    DefaultValue, KeyValue, Len(KeyValue), ProfileName)
    End If
    GetString = Left$(KeyValue, KeyValueLength)
    End Function
  9. Create a new function called GetKeyName. Add the following code to this function (note that the Sub and KeyNamesLength lines must each be typed as a single line of code):
    Sub GetKeyNames(SectionName As String, KeyNames() As String, ProfileName 
       As String)
        Dim StrPos As Integer
        Dim KeyCount As Integer
        Dim Start As Integer
        Dim KeyNamesLength As Integer
        Dim KeyNameString As String
        KeyNameString = Space$(1024)
        If Trim$(ProfileName) = "" Then
            KeyNamesLength = GetProfileKeys(SectionName, 0, "", KeyNameString, 
            KeyNamesLength = GetPrivateProfileKeys(SectionName, 0, "", 
                KeyNameString, Len(KeyNameString), ProfileName)
        End If
        KeyCount = 0
        ReDim KeyNames(0)
        If KeyNamesLength > 0 Then
            KeyNameString = Left$(KeyNameString, KeyNamesLength)
            If Right$(KeyNameString, 1) <> Chr$(0) Then
                KeyNameString = KeyNameString + Chr$(0)
            End If
            KeyNamesLength = Len(KeyNameString)
            Start = 1
                StrPos = InStr(Start, KeyNameString, Chr$(0))
                If StrPos > 0 Then
                    KeyCount = KeyCount + 1
                    ReDim Preserve KeyNames(KeyCount)
                    KeyNames(KeyCount) = Mid$(KeyNameString, Start, StrPos - Start)
                    If StrPos < KeyNamesLength Then
                        Start = StrPos + 1
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                    Exit Do
                End If
            End If
    End Sub

Run the example program by pressing the F5 function key. Click the Command Button control. The name of the default printer is displayed in the Text Box control, and a list of all installed printers is displayed in the List Box control.

Additional References

Knowledge Base Q105839. "Changing WIN.INI Printer Settings from VB using Windows API."

"Accessing Initialization Files." (MSDN Library, Periodicals)

"Querying Windows for Printer Information." (MSDN Library, Periodicals)

"Tip #30: Retrieving the Default Printer's Name from WIN.INI."