Migrating Oracle Applications to Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft Corporation

August 1997

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This paper is written for developers of Oracle applications who want to convert their applications to Microsoft® SQL Server™ applications. The tools, processes, and techniques required for a successful conversion are described. Also highlighted are the essential design points that allow you to create high-performance, high-concurrency SQL Server applications.

Target Audience

The target audience may be new to Microsoft SQL Server and its operation, but should have a solid foundation in the Oracle RDBMS and database concepts. The target audience should possess:

Development and Application Platforms

For clarity and ease of presentation, the reference development and application platform is assumed to be Microsoft Visual C++® Version 4.2, Microsoft Windows NT® version 4, SQL Server 6.5, and Oracle 7.3. The Visigenic Software ODBC driver (version 2.00.0300) is used with Oracle 7.3, and the Microsoft Corporation ODBC driver (version 2.65.0213) is used with SQL Server 6.5.