
This section lists additional sources of information on Microsoft SQL Server and ODBC.

SQL Server Documentation

The primary reference for using ODBC with SQL Server 6.5 is Programming ODBC for Microsoft SQL Server. Much of this material is also in the Help file for the driver, Drvssrvr.hlp; however, the latest version of Drvssrvr.hlp, shipped with both SQL Server 6.0 and 6.5, does not cover 6.5 features.

Programming ODBC for Microsoft SQL Server and Drvssrvr.hlp are included with SQL Server 6.5. Other products that ship the SQL Server ODBC driver also ship the corresponding driver Help file, Drvssrvr.hlp.

ODBC Programmer's Reference

The primary reference for ODBC is:

Microsoft ODBC 2.0 Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide
Microsoft Press®
ISBN 1-55615-658-8

Microsoft ODBC 3.0 Software Development Kit and Programmer's Reference
Microsoft Press
ISBN 1-57231-516-4

Other ODBC Books

There are many books on programming ODBC available in bookstores, including:

Inside ODBC
Kyle Geiger
Microsoft Press
ISBN 1-55615-815-7

Using ODBC 2
Robert Gryphon with Luc Charpentier, Jon Oelschlager, Andrew Shoemaker, Jim Cross, and Albert W. Lilley
Que Corporation
ISBN 0-7897-0015-8

The ODBC Solution
Robert Signore, John Creamer, Michael Stegman
ISBN 0-07-911880-1

Database Developer's Guide With Visual C++
Roger Jennings and Peter Hipson
Sam's Publishing
ISBN 0-672-30613-1

Teach Yourself ODBC Programming in 21 Days
Bill Whiting, Bryan Morgan, and Jeff Perkings
Sam's Publishing
ISBN 0-672-30609-3