Why Migrate?

Microsoft SQL Server continues to set the standard for databases running on Microsoft Windows NT in the areas of performance, ease of use, cost of ownership, and integration with the operating system. Microsoft SQL Server is a robust, enterprise-ready RDBMS that was the first relational DBMS running on Windows NT Server to have a published TPC-C result of over 9,100 tpmC.

Reasons to migrate to Microsoft SQL Server include:

Lower Costs

Microsoft SQL Server license costs are competitive with other databases that run on the Windows NT platform. Microsoft was the first database vendor to publish TPC-C results below $100/tpmC, then $90/tpmC, then $80/tpmC, and has recently published results even below $50/tpmC. Microsoft SQL Server currently has the top ten price/performance rankings for published TPC-C results for databases running on any platform. Microsoft is committed to being the price/performance leader for databases running on the Windows NT platform.

Microsoft SQL Server also lowers operational costs by providing ease-of-use and administration features, thereby reducing the time DBAs must spend in routine administrative tasks and freeing them for more productive work.

Integration with Windows NT

Microsoft SQL Server takes advantage of Windows NT features to provide improved functionality and ease-of-use features. These include:

Microsoft SQL Server also takes full advantage of Windows NT features, such as lightweight threads, to optimize performance. For example, Microsoft SQL Server only uses approximately 50K of memory per connection.

Superior User Interface

Microsoft SQL Server provides graphical tools for Windows with easy-to-use interfaces to speed both administrative tasks and user interaction with the database:

Easy Administration

Microsoft SQL Server is easy to administer. Functions such as replication, configuration, and buffer management, among others, are easy to do in a Microsoft SQL Server. All database administration for several SQL Servers is easily done using a single SQL Enterprise Manager.

The graphical administration tools combined with the Windows NT-based features such as scheduled events and alerts allow you to set up a lights-out server without needing to hand code command-line scripts.

The database objects used by the SQL Server administrator tools themselves are exposed for use as the SQL Distributed Management Objects (based on OLE Automation). SQL-DMO can be used to quickly build customized database administration applications.

Integration with the Web

Microsoft SQL Server is tightly integrated with Microsoft's best Internet technologies such as Active Server Pages, ActiveX™ Data Objects, Advanced Database Connector, Microsoft Transaction Server. SQL Server is also tightly integrated with Microsoft's best Internet development and management tools such as the Visual InterDev™ Web Development System, FrontPage® 97 Web Site Creation and Management Tool, and Microsoft Office 97. SQL Server also works seamlessly with leading, third-party development tools.

The SQL Server Web Assistant provides users with an integrated and automated facility to publish HTML pages from and maintain data in a SQL Server.

Integration with Microsoft Office

Microsoft SQL Server has the unique ability to generate data directly into Microsoft Excel 97 files. This eliminates the need to extract data and paste it into spreadsheets. The SQL Workbook Publisher is available for free download from the Microsoft Web site. SQL Workbook Publisher allows Excel 97 users to define Excel workbooks that display SQL Server data and store the workbooks in SQL Server for use by several users.

Integration with Development Environments

The Microsoft SQL Server Application Programming Interfaces work with several different languages, such as Visual C++, Visual Basic®, Visual J++™, and C or C++ compilers from third-party vendors. SQL Server provides a full-featured, native Open Database Connectivity driver, supporting any programming tool that uses ODBC to access databases. In addition, Visual C++ and Visual Basic now contain a powerful debugger that allows you to debug Transact-SQL stored procedures using the native debugging tools of the programming environment.