
This paper presents a strategy for embedding Microsoft SQL Server administration tasks in your application. Six fundamental SQL Server administration areas are addressed:

Using the techniques and strategies provided in this paper, you can easily automate and embed these tasks within the scope of your application and thereby assume administration responsibilities. As a result, many tasks usually performed by a database or system administrator can be minimized or eliminated in the end user's application environment. Using the techniques discussed in this paper, you can create a high-performance SQL Server application that can be deployed in an unattended environment with a high degree of success.

For More Information

Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Books Online.

Microsoft Windows NT Resource Kit.

Various Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles that are available on the TechNet CD ROM.

SQL Server training available from Microsoft Education Services or at an Authorized Training Center. Contact Microsoft Customer Service at 1-800/426-9400 for more information.

Fundamentals of Database Systems, by Ramez Elmasari and Shamkant Navathe, Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company, Redwood City California.