In Conclusion

In this chapter, you’ve seen how a broad range of companies and organizations have successfully implemented thin-client/server solutions. Each case study has presented similar themes: the need for simplified management, uniform access to applications regardless of hardware platform, uniform performance regardless of available bandwidth, and security—and all of this on a budget.

Each case study in this chapter presented an organization that had a vision of something it wanted to accomplish. Deployment of software solutions across hardware of varying age, power, and platform; through available bandwidth and geography; and with limited funding presented challenges to the implementation of each vision. In each case, a solution built on a thin-client/server architecture implemented with WinFrame helped to remove those barriers. Even better, the thin-client/server architecture further enabled client/server and Web-based models of computing.

In this chapter, you’ve seen how the thin-client/server architecture can help turn a company’s vision into reality.