Starting WinFrame Sessions

You use WinFrame clients, accessed through the Remote Application Manager shown in Figure 5-5 on the following page, on your local device to start and access WinFrame sessions through your local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), or dial-up connections.

You access appli-cations with the WinFrame Remote Application Manager.


WinFrame Remote Application Manager as seen on a Windows 95 or a Windows NT 4.0 desktop

WinFrame Clients are available with your WinFrame server software or come preinstalled on a dedicated thin-client/server device such as a Windows-based terminal. You can also obtain the latest WinFrame client versions from the Citrix Web site:

You can use WinFrame Client Creator, which is illustrated in Figure 5-6, to create disks for distributing to clients. This application is available with WinFrame version 1.7.

Use WinFrame Client Creator to build disks.


WinFrame Client Creator

After users obtain and install client software on their computers, they are prompted to configure their first session. The Remote Application wizard guides the user through entering a session name, protocol for accessing the server, and a server name or an IP address or a published application, as well as an icon and a group to save it in.

WinFrame Clients are available for 16-bit and 32-bit Windows applications as well as for MS-DOS applications. You can obtain WinFrame ICA clients from third parties for UNIX and Macintosh devices. Citrix also provides Java-based clients for running Win-Frame thin-client/server sessions.