What Do You Need to Do, and Where Do You Need to Do It?

Thin-client/server computing is not necessarily for everyone, everywhere, all the time. It should not be perceived as a religious technology war to see which company survives the next great era in the information age. Less of that type of noise would help customers make better decisions about what they need to accomplish. Ideally, to figure out what form of technology is best suited to a particular business situation, an IS department should conduct a functional assessment of the company’s installed base and projected needs. To that end, the thin-client/server computing model allows the use of most recent versions of line-of-business, mission-critical, or information applications on different devices along with existing native applications. IS departments will be able to deploy and integrate these applications on existing systems where needed.

With technology, form should follow function.

The thin-client software, especially the Citrix ICA client, can re-side on any device: a handheld computer, a network computer, JavaStation, NetPC, a Windows terminal, a PC running any Microsoft Windows operating system (Windows 3.x, Windows 95, or Windows NT), a Macintosh, or a UNIX workstation. You can also choose to run Windows applications either locally or from a server.

You can run thin-client sessions on any device, anytime, anywhere.