Call Stack Window

The Call Stack window shows a list of all active procedure calls. Active procedure calls are the procedures in the application that were started but not completed.

The Call Stack window helps you trace the operation of an application as it executes a series of nested procedures. For example, an event procedure can call a second procedure, which can call a third procedure—all before the event procedure that started this chain is completed. Such nested procedure calls can be difficult to follow and can complicate the debugging process.

The Call Stack window is not available when the application is running. When executing code in a procedure, that procedure is added to a list of active procedure calls. Each time a procedure calls another procedure, the called procedure is added to the list. Called procedures are removed from the list when execution returns to the calling procedure.

The red color indicates the currently active procedure. Double-click a procedure down the Call Stack to see the place in code where the procedure above it was called.

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